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Posts posted by WRTT440

  1. Hello All. I finally put together a base station for the house. I'm using a Kenwood TK-880-1 purchased from ebay, a 30 amp power supply from ebay, about 30 feet of LMR-400 type cable and a Tram 1486 antenna tuned for the GMRS band.

    The power supply is a bit overkill as the max needed would be 8 amps for this radio. But I didn't want to have to replace it if I later upgrade to a higher power GMRS radio.

    Today I was able to make my first "radio test" to a repeater (WRPD520) about 21.5 miles away using the TK-880 on high power, about 19.5 watts, with 1.25 SWR

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