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About DuneStalker

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  1. So I've seen quite a few good reviews on here of RadioDan's service and I've seen some bad reviews. Well, I have a glowing review of RadioDan's service! I ordered the IDOM IV board (assembled), a voice board, and a couple interface cables last night. Unfortunately, his site indicated they were out of the fan relay boards, so I was unable to order one of those. After submitting my order, I sent an email to him inquiring if he has a waiting list or backorder list. He replied within an hour stating that he has plenty of them in stock he had recently received but had forgotten to update the website indicating such. He then PayPal invoiced me for one so it could be added to my existing order without increasing the shipping cost. OUTSTANDING!!!
  2. Wow! Quick replies! I'm impressed! Thanks, guys, for the info. BTW, love your videos, @OffRoaderX, and your sense of humor - quite similar to mine, actually, which is why I "get it" I guess. Keep up the great work! WRDN689 / DuneStalker Bellevue, Nebraska
  3. So, I tried to find the answer to my question by searching the perusing the forums with no luck. My question: I have a GMRS license, but when I'm away from home, do I need to carry a copy of the license with me or do I just need to know my GMRS Callsign? I mean, I guess I could just save a .PDF version of it on my phone and have it available that way. But I'm more interested in what is "required" should someone ask for me to prove I'm "legal". Thanks, all! WRDN689 / DuneStalker Bellevue, Nebraska
  4. Hello, Fellow Newbie! I'm in Bellevue and have just jumped on the GMRS bandwagon recently. I got my license a few years ago, but only recently really started to get into the hobby. I don't have a 'real' GMRS radio - only a bubble-pack FRS/GMRS pair of HTs right now that I needed quickly for a recent camping trip, which I wish I had had more time to make a better selection for a real pair of radios. Anyway, it's nice to see that there's someone else here in the local area. We'll have to hit each other up once I get a new radio (not sure yet which one, though). Chat soon! WRDN689 / DuneStalker (Charles Coumbe - Bellevue, NE)
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