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Everything posted by VETCOMMS

  1. Understood, thanks. I think I've read the GR1225 can be programmed with Windows XP and in other places I've read Windows 7 will work as well. For the MTR2000 I think I've read Windows 7 works. I just want to be clear on what I need for a programming computer before I purchase the repeater. Also, would someone with real world experience be able to help me with programming once I purchase the repeater or what resources are there to help me? I see limited videos about how to do this but perhaps these come with a user manual that is excellent at describing how to program the repeater? Just trying to be prepared before the purchase.
  2. Or after seeing what a new Motorola costs..... Which is easier to program, an MTR2000 or a GR1225?
  3. I've read so much about repeaters, including some of the discontinued Motorola repeaters that require old software 32 bit operating systems for programming. But what about the Bridgecom repeaters? Can those be programmed with current software? Are they good repeaters or have history of problems/weak PAs?
  4. Ahhh heck, I should just buy a brand new Motorola repeater and pony up the cash so I can just use my current Windows operating system, I suppose. ?
  5. I've read that Windows XP, Windows 10 can be found at garage sales for cheap. Where else do people get laptops with the older operating systems to use for programming discontinued repeater models?
  6. Wow. Thanks for the info on that HRX repeater as I did not know it could be used on analog. I learn a lot here, and it's easy to take things out of context with the typed word and get pissy about things. I'm guilty of it myself. Let's try to get along and HELP one another, not tear each other apart. There too much hate in the world to be spreading negativity on a radio forum as well.
  7. So who wants to buy it with their own monies and try it? Not me but am curious. Or just stick with Motorola or Vertex?
  8. Thank you for the help. I think I've read that in general, once I go more than 10 feet above the top of the roofline, or maybe a more specific point is once I go more than 10 feet above the top attachment point on the garage, then I need to guy the mast. And every 10 feet above that should have guy wires. Is this correct?
  9. Do you think adding a 10 foot section of chain link fence top rail to a direct TV mount at the peak of my roof and mounting an Ed Fong GMRS antenna would result in too much sway/instability in the wind? Also, where do people like to get pre-made LMR 400 or Messi & Paoloni hyperflex coax to use for base station or repeater setup with this antenna?
  10. I saw a post from 2016 but wondered if anyone has had good results with mounting an omnidirectional antenna like an Ed Fong into the top of a tree? I read about lightning concerns, damage to the tree, movement of the tree all causing issues. Is it worth a try?
  11. So the Echostation would be the simplex repeater but I'm not sure how the Rigblaster controller would be used. Is that a controller I can operate remotely with my phone if I need to shut down the repeater?
  12. Ok thx. I saw an old thread on it but haven't read it fully. Just curious. Thx.
  13. I'm just learning about this simplex repeater/controller. Is this something people can connect to a home repeater so I can then go out and test the repeater by myself from my vehicle? https://www.argentdata.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=98
  14. I don't have any linked repeaters in my area and GMRS is still new to this part of the state. My question is two-fold. 1. Is there a way to listen online? 2. What is it like in areas where the repeaters are used frequently? A lot of small talk? Momma asking husband to pick up a gallon of milk? Off roaders in their jeeps doing jeep things? I ask because I just don't know.
  15. Thanks for the info, I'll look at that link shortly. If I understood that last sentence then I can run bare copper ground wire buried underground from the antenna/mast to the grounding rod next to my house at the service panel. I shouldn't need a second ground rod at the antenna/mast located on the garage. I just have to make sure it's underground since I have a propensity to hit things with my mower.
  16. I'm also curious about how others grounded their systems. I read that the ground rod near the antenna should be bonded to the home electrical ground near the service meter. From my garage to that ground rod it's about 50 yards away. Am I supposed to run 6 gauge bare copper wire 50 yards from the ground rod near the antenna on the garage over to the ground rod next to the house service meter?
  17. Thanks for the info. Any issues in the wind with this?
  18. I see people on the YouTubes talking about using EMT conduit. Not sure if that's the same thing?
  19. I'm wondering if any of you would be willing to share how you mount your antenna mast to your shack or garage. Are there books or resources where I can learn how to do this properly? For example, I'm thinking of using chain link fence top rail mounted against the side of my garage using a metal band that curves around the mast and screws into the wall of the garage. Or is it better to get a gable mount? Any ideas, pictures, or sharing successes and failures along these lines is welcomed.
  20. Using DOS makes me nervous and I don't have any XP laptops around. I looked at repeater builder and read about the Quantar repeater but wasn't clear on programming. Can it be done with Windows 10 or is it similar to the MTR 2000 and requires an older software to program?
  21. Thahxks. I'll skip the mobile radio configuration. Hopefully a duplexer on ebay will not be defective.
  22. Thanks WRKC, I wasn't aware of the need for older software for programming so that in itself just saved some headaches. Also I see Celwave and Sinclair as a couple of options for duplexers and if I'm understanding correctly, if I'm going to set this up for testing at my home the mobile duplexer is likely good enough but for a tower site the more expensive pass/notch duplexer is needed. There's another Motorola Repeater I'm curious about. I'll try to find it and edit the model in here but I think it's 2 mobiles in a case. It's the XPR 8300 and 8400 models.
  23. With the XPR 8300 vs 8400 is the main difference that the 8400 can switch between analog and digital (mixed mode) wheras the 8300 can do analog or digital but cannot switch between the two modes?
  24. Thanks for that gortex. Yeah, after reading that I'd say I'm a middle of the road kind of intent. Not an $8000 GTR 8000 but definitely not 2 mobile radios connected together. I did read that post you made but need to go back and read it again.
  25. I have a dream. A dream that I can find a tower location and afford to rent a spot on it. That's the first thing to address however I like to think ahead hence the following question. What is a brand or model of continuous duty repeater that is tried and true that people like to use? Is this a Chevy vs Ford type of question? Motorola Quantar? Vertex? An old discontinued Motorola GRxxxx repeater? This also leads to another question. To minimize what I like to call riff-raff on the repeater, is there a way to keep people from scanning for the ctc tones when the repeater is auto-IDing and getting access to the repeater without first requesting? Does that scenario occur? If people are using the repeater inappropriately is there a way I can remotely shut it down, change ctc tones and bring it back online?
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