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About Luish19779

  • Birthday October 1

Profile Information

  • Name
    Luis Hernandez
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Bronx NY
  • Interests
    ham and GMRS radio operator in the North east area and Puerto Rico.
    Work on programming any radio, Motorola CPS, Firmware etc. installing radio antennas,Sale equipment, and many more stuff. Any info send me email to wrmz361@gmail.com

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  1. Motorola XTL2500 with Comet 712 GMRS base antenna- Motorola XPR7550E- CP200D Mototrbo Motorola XPR5550 for Backup Some Baofeng for VFO Emergency- Motorola XTL2500 110watt Commercial
  2. steve74- send me email to wrmz361@gmail.com and i will try to help you.
  3. If you too far from the Repeater, you never going to hit it with a handheld radio
  4. Here is the eBay store who sale those batteries…Jersey firts responders. People talk about this in the store reviews…
  5. IF YOU NEED ANY SUPPORT ON PROGRAMMING YOUR RADIOS, PLEASE CONTACT ME AT wrmz361@gmail.com. DONT SHARE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT THE BROADNET REPEATER SYSTEM INFORMATION IN SOCIAL MEDIA ETC. ANY INFO SEND EMAIL TO wrmz361@gmail.com IF YOU NEED GOOD MOTOROLA UHF RADIO FOR GMRS, I RECOMMEND THIS SELLER ON EBAY. I BUY MY RADIOS FROM HIM. MOTOROLA XTL2500 50watts P-25 Do 5 Kilohertz &4-3- This is a real good radio. https://www.ebay.com/itm/285738342625?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5A7yA-99QAa&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=u3st-bffsww&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Tonight at 8pm- Broadnet NET
  7. on youtube is alot of videos about it. you can talk to joel or juan and they help you with everything you need.
  8. I saw a video on YouTube with 2 MCS200 for a Repeater. Here is the link. By the way, Those radios are pretty good. I got 3 , 1 50 w & 2 -25w. The CPS Channel configuration is a little complicated. This is WRMZ361-KE2AUM FROM BROADNET GMRS REPEATER SYSTEM IN NYC.
  9. A lot of people have Repeaters without add info online.The best Repeater in NYC is not listed online end this repeater is located on Rockefeller building in NYC and is one of the most silent in the Tri state area. WRMZ361-KE2AUM ????
  10. The best GMRS Antenna I ever have is the Ed Fong GMRS jpole Antenna. I recommend and the prices is very cheap, compared with others GMRS Antenna in the market. Only need is a pvc psi 200 of 3 ft and good coax cable. I use LMR-400 with that antenna my SWR is 1.1. Get a Mobil radio(50w) with 20 amp power supply and you not need anything else. Good luck brother
  11. If my Baofeng spying me, only going to hear is my fart ? all day and is not anything compromises on that.??
  12. Broadnet GMRS Repeater System on Bronx NY and now I am part of it with my Simplex repeater Node. We have Net every Thursday at 8 pm.????
  13. Thanks brother. I thought that it could be tuned by adjusting the screws and lowering or raising the elements L1 and L2
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