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Everything posted by m4f1050

  1. I saw some of my updates were on this file so I swapped it with mine, I will go over mine and add any of the nodes I had added prior to the swap. https://xtreme-toyz.net/astdb.txt Thanks!
  2. I haven't had the time to update this file, it takes a while since I have to go to the node on the map, and click on it to find out the owner (to get call sign).. Example: https://mygmrs.network/map/21211 and after you click on the repeater name, it shows you the owner and when you click on it, you can get the call sign.. I am maintaining this file at https://xtreme-toyz.net/astdb.txt I attached an updated astdb.php that pull this file. If you would like to help maintain it, please send me the info NODE|CALL SIGN|NAME|LOCATION like shown above. Thanks! astdb.php
  3. Thank you for the clarification. I will be buying the duplexer then. Makes total sense, that way I can go higher on the antenna and achieve more reach at, let’s say, 40ft @ 15 watts notched vs dual antenna, having one lower to isolate and having to run expensive coax to not even be close to “acceptable loss” My Vertex VXR-7000 came with its own duplexer and I now understand why. Cable, antenna and wire expense (distance in wiring) vs the duplexer, it’s a no-brainer to go with duplexer.
  4. I have setup a repeater but it’s 25 watts. I don’t want to use a duplexer so I can get the most out of the TX power. Question is, how far apart and what height distance should I place my antennas in order for them not to interfere with one another? 25 watts TX.
  5. I searched and figured out how to fix the issue. You need to edit (I installed verison 1.7 of hamvoip.org so the folder might be different for you) /srv/http/allmon2/astdb.txt It's going to take me a while to create this file, since I have to go through every node on the network to get the information... Here is an example: ; NODE|CALL SIGN|FREQ./DESCRIPTION|LOCATION 100|myGMRS Network|Nationwide Hub|Dallas, TX 169|myGMRS Network|Midwest Hub|Midwest, IA 172|myGMRS Network|Northeast Hub|Albany, NY 174|myGMRS Network|Southeast Hub|Atlanta, GA 175|myGMRS Network|Southern Plains Hub|Oklahoma City, OK 176|myGMRS Network|Southwest Hub|Las Vegas, NV 177|myGMRS Network|Mountain Hub|Boise, MD 21211|WRUS599|Orlando 575|Orlando, FL 24222|WQGU515|Williamsport 675|Williamsport, Lycoming County, PA I got everything sorted out, all I need to do is finish editing this file. On the rc.updatenodelist I just added an "exit 0" after the $WGET -q -O /var/lib/asterisk/rpt_extnodes_gmrs https://link.mygmrs.com/nodes It would be nice if mygmrs.com had a way of querying the database and returning us this information. ?
  6. Is your rc.updatenodelist timing out also? I have a lot of these processes running at the same time, does not look normal, the version on the image on myGMRS exits and doesn’t hang… EDIT: I don't use asterisk with HAM so I added an "exit 0" after it queries the rpt_extnodes_gmrs and moved on.... Still need to figure out how to show in the database on supermon...
  7. Disregard, I was trying to install it on the wrong sdcard. I do have an issue.... (not AutoSky related, AutoSky is working) I can't connect to any node. I did notice the rc.updatenodelist just sits there until it times out. Also, on rpt.conf, there is a 1999 = radio@,NONE <-- is this needed? I removed it... Here is what I get on supermon allnodes: Private Node 21211 => Node not in database lsNodes Node Node Information Received Link Direction Connected Mode Could not login to Asterisk Manager. * I just realized, when I downloaded the image, it's version 1.7, does it need to be version 1.6? I noticed a folder changed, /var/www/hml/supermon is now /srv/http/supermon EDIT: I figured out my problem.... password had a & in it... I still have a problem... ? I am still getting "node not in database" error... I pointed to the _gmrs file but it's not giving me a list when I click on LsNodes
  8. Can this be installed on the PI 3 setup of myGMRS net? I found a .tar file with AutoSky 6? I tried to set it up, but I ge ta "cp" error that can't find the "OFILE value" file. EDIT: I can't install "pacman" on raspbian, it installs the game instead....
  9. Solved. Needed COR signal, mod is posted on Adding a COR PLUS CTCSS Detect Signal to the Yaesu VXR-7000 Repeater No need to do last part of instructions of adding a transistor since URIxB accepts Active Low signal.
  10. Found some help on this external link AllStarLink Community: URI Hook up for Yeasu VXR-7000 (Angeo and Kevin) I get the connect/disconnect messages from PI, still working on it... Need to check PI conf files...
  11. Is it possible to run the asterisk repeater software on an Intel Linux flavor OS running on an Intel ComputeStick? Are there drivers available for the URI?
  12. Does anybody have the pin schematic/assignment for the DB25 M to M in order to connect the URIxB to the VXR-7000?
  13. +1 on this. I requested access (on an open system) just to "follow the rules" on the repeater list, but I still use it since the owner hasn't logged in for 7 months now... Good repeater too in the Orlando area, covers 30 miles and that's good for a place with no hills, only some tall buildings downtown. Not sure where this repeater is located, but he must have some good elevation...
  14. Gotcha. CTCSS can be found receiving anyways. The one that's harder to find is the transmiting one, you have to be near someone transmitting to it.
  15. Fixed the issue. Fan grill got bent in shipping somehow and was holding the fan from spinning... UPS' awesome service..I guess... (luckily it didn't break any of the fan blades.)
  16. I think he's worried because on the FCC website says "In transient use, a mobile station from one GMRS system may communicate through a mobile relay station (repeater) in another GMRS system with the permission of its licensee." but nothing is enforced, it's not a rule or regulation of Part 95 - Subpart E... It's just encouraged. Sources: https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/general-mobile-radio-service-gmrs https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47/chapter-I/subchapter-D/part-95/subpart-E
  17. Quick question.... I see that you have CTCSS on RX but none on TX, is this normal or you have it set like this on purpose?
  18. -- Removed --
  19. Moved from this thread: Found out it's the FAN. Needs a new fan. https://www.fixya.com/support/t8323356-vertex_standard_repeater
  20. Sorry to revive old thread... I just bought one of these off of eBay, when I received it, plugged in to LMR600 cable and a Tram-1486 antenna. Right as soon as I power it up, it flashes FE on the channel display. Any ideas??? I would also like to know how to program a normal channel and also a repeater to use it as a base/station. Thanks!
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