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Everything posted by WRUS537

  1. I was checking a couple of MURS radios today and was transmitting in my kitchen, the wall GFCI Plug started to buss when I transmitted and no longer works. Anyone ever have that happen to them?
  2. I think everyone that has been on GMRS.com after a month of use has found out it is worth $5.00 a month for a membership, I think just the knowledge you get from reading old post is worth it as well as the list of local repeater. And it would not hurt to send a couple buck to the repeater owners every once in a while.
  3. Do your call signs and add Unit 1, Unit 2, etc. Give each person a unit number. I would say WRUS537 Unit One to Unit Two.
  4. Not less, you are helping with something affordable to most everyone and you get a shiny new badge.
  5. How about $5.00 a month and you just get a fancy badge by your name?
  6. If I am reading this right, HOA's will have no authority to deny an antenna. https://www.arrl.org/files/file/HR9670/HR9670-Amateur-Radio-Emergency-Preparedness-Act.pdf
  7. I downloaded the daily build daily-20221119/ 19-Nov-2022 15:52
  8. I had that problem right after I updated it. So I went and downloaded an older version and did what I had to do fine.
  9. I think my first problem was buying equipment (got a good deal on them) before I knew what I needed or knew what I was doing. I thank everyone for the loads of information, I have learned more here then anywhere. I am going to stick with the gmrs and study for the ham tests and then go from there. If the world ends before I get licences , I will still have the HF radios in the closet. I have been looking for a place with more land in Indiana and then will set it up there. My next project will be solar for my security cameras and radios.
  10. Well now I am new to all this, other than the use on the fire dept. radios, I was unaware of the voltage coming from an antenna as well as any major radiation, I am wondering now if I should hire someone that knows what they are doing.
  11. Thank you so much for the details and making it understandable, I had this posted for awhile on Arrl and no response.
  12. I wonder if we will ever have radio frequences that you can just talk on or will they always end up turning into a computer and cell phone.
  13. I purchased a dipole, which is 68.8 ft long, I had planned to mount it about 1 or 2ft above the roof ( I have an HOA) using poles and an insulator at each end. However my roof is only 52 ft long. My question is what do I do with the extra 8 or so feet on each side? Can I just run it down the edge of the roof? For the coax, do I have to run it straight down the middle of the roof or can I run it along the roof top with the wire? I have an HF to listen to and want to have an antenna ready to transmit when I get my license or Lord forbid and emergency. Thanks for everyone's help
  14. I never knew this, learned something, thank you
  15. It would be just the family under my call sign
  16. Ok, I thought it was saying no tone, From what I have read I do not think I need it to send a call sign if it is private. So that might work.
  17. It pretty flat but trees. I have a 25ft antenna, looking for about 5 miles. My base reaches the portables, but I would like the portables to reach each other with out the base relaying the messages. I looked at the Retevis rt97, If I read it right it will not do tones.
  18. I am looking for a repeater, just something to use around my area so we do not tie up the "public" repeater.
  19. I have an HOA also, What I did was installed a TV antenna, they can not ban those or cloths lines. Something to do with natural things or something. I then put my gmrs on top of the tv antenna (on the pole) You see the tv antenna but have to be really looking to notice the GMRS antenna.
  20. I take everything back, I just received approval on alot of them. Maybe my email is acting up.
  21. I received approval from him, Thanks, It is the indy 600 one, he has many so he maybe busy like you say.
  22. There is no reason to get nasty. I gave my opinion.
  23. I hear you, I am new, I do not mind Paying to play, but donating and then waiting and hoping, nope not for me. I do like your idea, but I am wondering to if the owner then gets your name out there and no one talks with you then that would be bad also.
  24. I don't know if I would do that, first you tick the owner off and will never get "approved" and second by putting in the correct tone, you essentially broke into his system.
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