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Everything posted by FreqieRadio

  1. I’ve had mine for 3 years so far. I can talk everywhere i want. Swr is still good. I get good reports from the repeater stations and simplex contexts
  2. This was my first high power ht. The only one I like better is the H8.
  3. Oh my. I hope you have more than Gmrs going on with those radios.
  4. It’s the exact radio. Yeah it’s ham. In use some ham equipment for my Gmrs base. I don’t tx on ham though. I just want the gps function for the handhelds. Some have Gmrs locked out. I saw that some have a software update that unlocks it.
  5. Well I gotta get one at a time. Then pro’s ain’t cheap. But yes. I sure will!
  6. Rt99 works with the Gmrs pros gps function. I don’t need my ham. Thanks
  7. Copy. I’ll look elsewhere
  8. I know the rule… just asking if there is a mobile that does it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. So you need a phone to use the gps function on the radio?
  10. Are there mobile units that operate with the GMRS pro gps function?
  11. It was free to me. I don’t have my tech yet, so that’s my question.
  12. Can the 50x2 be configured to transmit out of band? Like the 5r?
  13. I have this one saved. The one I’m hearing has traffic out of Allentown. Something about a node
  14. Nope, I have him. I’m heading traffic out of Allentown. Something about a node
  15. I hear a repeater in my area, but not sure where it’s at. Maybe Allentown area? I hear it clear in the Poconos but my ht don’t have the reach to talk back. Anyone around me know about this repeater?
  16. Tyt 7900
  17. Has anyone bought a radio thought them? Admittedly I’m trying to find a ham that transmits out of range that’s in the 30 watt range. I don’t want 3 radios in my truck. Anyone had any luck?
  18. I use that on chirp. Exactly. Thanks
  19. My first part95 radio is a uv-5g. My current is not part 95
  20. They make the radios legal for use. That’s about my opinion
  21. I just got the H6. Way better than my 5g and my bf-f8HP. I had some trouble programming. I needed to use the tidradio version. Other than that, fantastic cheap radio.
  22. Does it transmit out of band in order to use it on Gmrs freqs?
  23. So anyway Gmrs can have digital channeled frequencies? edit: Is there any hope of maybe more channels? Getting a ham tickets just to talk simplex a few miles seems like a waste. But digital sounds so much better.
  24. I always have it on. Still quiet tho
  25. I live in a very hilly, very dense forested area. I’m in a position to place an antenna on my roof. I have a 50w midland I’m using as a base radio. I currently have a little midland 6db antenna on a 10ft mast. It’s all told around 25ft up. what antenna do y’all experts suggest to reach out and touch? Would a bigger antenna help reception?
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