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Everything posted by MarkInTampa

  1. The may be a stupid question, but.... The FCC page show that linking repeaters is not allowed but what about linking two or more base (fixed) stations that in turn key up a repeater? The repeater wouldn't be linked but the fixed station would be.
  2. The FCC changed the GMRS operations page last week. Now shows this.....(https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/bureau-divisions/mobility-division/general-mobile-radio-service-gmrs#:~:text=You must cooperate in the,or through a repeater station)
  3. What's even worse if you have folks kerchunking a repeater that is part of a networked system. They are not kerchunking one repeater but 5, 10 or however many may be part of the network. And if a remote repeater has a kerchunker they can affect a repeater in another state. I've got repeater input frequencies in scan mode on one VFO and the output frequencies in scan on the other VFO. I can set my clock by by a local kerchucker that keys every local repeater (and one networked) at 7:30am and I hear him key on both input and output. Guess he just wants to make sure he can hit the repeaters.
  4. One more thing I can think of to at least try... Test to make sure the repeater is actually receiving and saving the data from the CPS. Since the repeater doesn't show frequency, just the channel number, the simplest way I can think to do that is to double click on channel 2 and it will turn grey (disabled) and save the config to the repeater. Then change the channel on the repeater and it should skip 2, if it doesn't it's probably not saving correctly to the repeater. Other than that - no idea
  5. Since you can receive the repeater at 440.000 but the CPS shows 462.675, what happens if you add a channel on 439.xxx and another on 441.xxx just for testing? Does the repeater transmit on the programmed frequency then (440 being a upper limit maybe)? Weird problem, can't think of anything else.
  6. If I had to guess, you have the wrong version of the repeater for GMRS or the frequency limits are set incorrectly. Try binging up the software in manufacture mode with the "-m" option instead of "-d" and read the radio configuration. The Windows shortcut target should be something like "C:\Vertex Standard\CE27 for Windows\CE27Win.exe" -m". The -m option will require the manufacture password, it is "ansho-bango". Once you read the config of the radio, go to "Common" on the top of the screen and then "TX Adjustment". Be VERY careful here and don't adjust anything, check to see what the highest Tx Frequency is set at. If it's below GMRS frequencies it's probably the wrong version of the repeater.
  7. I don't think it's normal, but don't know for sure. I got my VXR-7000 really cheap ($100), set it up without a duplexer and tested it with a antenna on the output and no antenna on the input, it worked fine and I donated it to a local group that could use it.
  8. Remove the duplexer, connect the antenna (or dummy load if you have one, you don't want to transmit without a antenna or dummy load or you can damage the transmitter) to the TX antenna jack on the repeater and try keying it with a HT with no antenna on the RX antenna jack within a few feet of the repeater. If it works, you have a problem with the duplexer or its connected backwards. If it still doesn't get RX, I'd think something is wrong with the repeater or your configuration.
  9. I sent you a copy of a VXR-7000 config file I did to your email. Let me know if it didn't go through. Make sure you save a copy of the original config file on your computer just in case.
  10. Pull the config with the software.
  11. I've been getting more spam calls now than ever. The FCC supposedly cracked down on bogus caller-id but it's worse than ever. I looked up the FCC commissioner in charge of scam calls and found his home address. When I get another scam call from "American Solar", would it be illegal for me to setup a meeting under his name and address?
  12. Most all Kenwood (or for that matter almost every commercial radio) software uses Windows, and some even use DOS. A Chromebook isn't gonna cut it. I use a HP Probook i5 that shipped with Windows 10 Pro and most importantly it has a built in 9 pin serial port that can be used with DosBox for old radios, a DVD drive for older software but is new enough (i5 processor) to run Windows 11 if you want. They can be had for around $100 on eBay or FB Marketplace.
  13. eBay? Somebody is selling the CPS software with v1.06.01 firmware included for $25. https://www.ebay.com/itm/145634585726
  14. It looks like the future of GMRSLive is up in the air. Not due to FCC but for other reasons. Change of Operations 7/24/24 – 9:30am We are turning 4 Years Old and with nearly 800 nodes connected I’m pretty much getting out of the radio hobby. It is supposed to be fun which it hasn’t been for a long time. I stopped using Amateur Radio because of the ‘Sad Hams’. To many people thinking they are better then everyone else. I found GMRS and it was fun. Not the crappy CB radio but good people to talk to and have a light hearted conversation. But.. To many people ruin the hobby. Some try to put digital some think they need to improve the network by adding everything from Zello to their toaster. They think they need to link it to everything. They think it is there job to add stuff so others can join, but those people could just join themselves. Why can’t they just get on the air and talk to people like it was designed to do? Why do they need to change things? GMRS is not for ‘Emergency Ops’! There are plenty of better ways to support that. If you can use GMRS to talk to friends and loved ones in a emergency that is great but you shouldn’t plan your life around it. I tried to protect the system and make it so everyone could enjoy it and would be safe for any age group. So you would know who was on. Those days are gone. I took so much grief from people over the few little rules we had. When the network started there were really no rules. Just have fun and enjoy. Then came the people that wanted to change things. They wanted what they wanted and screw everyone else. We allowed Zello in the beginning and even hosted a Zello link. It was a great tool along with IAX for people out of range of their normal connection to still be apart of the network. But then the SAD GMRS groups came along and started creating huge network groups on Zello that were not even members of the network. Has anyone else noticed Zello is mainly a bunch of people wanting to talk just like CB but don’t want to get a radio. It got so bad with the interference and not known whom was doing what we had to stop it. Why couldn’t they just use it as a tool for themselves and other users. Oh what a bunch of crying from a few. One person even told me they were ‘Required’ to have a Zello link for EOC operations. Huh??? But the users that had Zello and was using it in a positive manor didn’t see how others were using it. How do you stop one and let another? That is just on type of thing I had to put up with while Volunteering my time. The network became like Farmville on Facebook. First thing I did every morning was check to see if all was ok. I’d check multiple times daily, then before bed. For years it has it has consumed me. Pretty much dropping what I was doing to help someone with a problem. That is why I am stepping away from radio. I may use it every now and then but I’m going to find a different hobby and spend more time with the family. Maybe something to do with programing and doing computer stuff. I have enjoyed learning the C language. To accomplish this and keep the network running I have to change a few things… No more Banned list of users. If they have a GMRS License they can have node numbers. Anyone currently on the band list will be cleared and they can join. Changed my mind. Screw the people that didn’t want to play nice to start with. No more general support. The support email and contact will be for account issues and registration issues ONLY (like name changes and ports…). All other will not be addressed or returned. When we first started we had to help a lot of users that were new because there was nowhere else for them to go. Now there are plenty of talented people on our Facebook Group that can help. The network is self policing. You police your own nodes and or HUBs. If someone connects to you and does something you don’t like tell them or bounce them. You always have the option to Blacklist them. You connect and do as you wish with your own node. If you connect your toaster to it and it screws things up well it is your fault. If you connect something that isn’t working correct and you want to connect to someone else have at it, but be ready for that person to bounce you and block you. Yes you read right, Put Zello, DvSwitch or anything else you want online. I am not going to spend my time hunting anything down anymore. For those many people that have made this network what it is today I say Thank You . This is going to make more work for you but I’m sure you can keep things under control on your stuff. I am truly sorry a few have ruined it for the others. Life is just to short for me to be miserable anymore. But it was never an option to just shut it down completely. In the last four years the network has grown. For the first few years we ate the total cost. People asked to help with the cost and we always turned them down. Then with retirement in the future and the network getting bigger we allowed donation. We never requested them, and this is NOT a request now. The network is fine. If things ever come to it not supporting itself then we will simply turn it off. This is not and never has been a money making venture. Look around we have no paid advertising. We don’t ask for a thing. We don’t sell anything. No links to anything to make money. Look at other pages, many with affiliate links. Stores to sell stuff. Try to sell parts. Anything to make money. We just wanted the best network for others to enjoy. Don’t even think I’m giving up. I haven’t been beat. I’m just bored and want something else to do with my time. – Tony
  15. The latest (last) version of the software is CE27 for Windows. It runs just fine on Windows 10 64bit (my programming PC). I got my programming cable from BlueMax49ers for $20 and it worked fine. There are a few tricks setting up the repeater such as how to get into maintenance mode to change the CWID and how to run wide band, do a search on these forums and you should get a pretty good idea on what to do.
  16. Not allowed doesn't mean it is being done. In my area somebody is running an encrypted DMR repeater that has driven 462.700 useless for everybody in the area. It's been reported countless times over the last two years but it's still there. On the other hand there are also two pretty strong public repeaters, one runs analog/NXDN and the other analog/P25. The info to use them are public if you want to use digital. 95% of all traffic is analog, occasionally folks complain about the digital traffic but its so infrequent they get over it.
  17. FYI - here's a actual violation letter from the FCC, not from this incident but they do somewhat enforce GMRS rules and regulations - or at least this time
  18. I spotted this on the FCC website, the "or any other network for the purpose of carrying GMRS communications" line caught my attention....
  19. If you setup your repeater based on the config I sent you.... YES (maybe??). If not, disregard below. The VXR7000 config I sent you was for a repeater I picked up for cheap ($100), configured it for a somewhat local repeater that was running on a couple of old Johnson mobiles and donated it to them under the disclaimer "It's programmed, if it works it works, if it doesn't oh well". They still have the repeater online, but it is way over modulated (it will wake the dead on CWID), receive CTCSS tones work fine but they had to disable output CTCSS after I had programmed it because of hum or something else. I'm 35 miles away from the repeater and honestly the old Johnson setup worked better for me but the repeater owner wants to to run the VXR7000 because "it's a real repeater". I honestly don't know if it's something in the config file I sent you or if it's the repeater itself needing a bit of tuning, I never adjusted anything other than than the frequencies and tones, never messed with the TX or any other adjustment but it sounds like you have the same problem he does. A lot of the TX adjustment is done via software with the config file and have never messed with it but who knows what the previous owner did. Drop me a note if you figure it out and I'll forward it over the the guy how owns the repeater now.
  20. There is already unlicensed digital, analog or mixed modes on a couple of GMRS repeater input frequencies - it's just not GMRS. It is for "On-Board Vessel Communications" and covered under ITU (ITU-R M.1174-4) regulations in conjunction with the FCC. Since the band and channel plan already exist, it would be cool to open it up to GMRS.
  21. Spotted this amp on eBay... https://www.ebay.com/itm/126545075186
  22. Drop me a PM with your email and I can send you a saved config file of one I did to see if it helps - just make sure you save your existing config first. You could also have a bad receive board in the repeater itself. You can download the service manual for it from repeater builder. Take a look at page 30 and see if you have proper voltage on the VCV check point on the RX unit. It's there is no voltage, the receive board is dead.
  23. Not all linked ham repeaters are done IP. Here in Florida we have a really nice 70cm linked network done in conjunction with and riding on DOT towers, linked via microwave. Florida is a big state and DOT runs its own fiber and microwave network.
  24. What's sad is if they do have to disable the primary input, it then kills off 3/4's of the users as well for a few days at a time. Their radios don't support a custom split of 462.575/467.725 and/or split tones (DPL on input/CTCSS on out) but most just don't know about the secondary input. The secondary info is posted on the repeater website (but NOT MYGMRS website) and is the recommended frequency to use. They just kinda freak out thinking their radios aren't working when they can receive but not transmit to a repeater that was working the day before.
  25. Not always.... The strongest by far repeater in my neck of the woods on 462.575 has two input frequencies - 467.575 AND 467.725 on a different PL. The repeater gets interference on occasion when ships are in port that use 467.575 and they have to shut down the primary input, but both normally run at the same time. There are a few GMRS channels that are also shared for on-board vessel communications, in particular 467.550 and 467.575 (the one we get interference on) and is legal per ITU regulations.
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