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  1. I was wondering what the coverage is like in Anchorage and the Palmer area I will most likely be in Palmer sometime next year early to midsummer for training for a job I'm currently applying for was wondering what gmr's frequency and tones I would need to communicate in those areas if somebody could please help me that would greatly appreciate you can email me at fire_rescue14@yahoo.com that would greatly be appreciated I would like to bring my radio with me when I go I have radioddiyy UV 5G I have the chirp software to program the tone guards if somebody could help me thank you very much
  2. making a alaska gmrs user group via zello app so anyone in alaska that has gmrs call sign can talk to anyone in alaska via zello threw my ch on zello if intersted pm me here or email fire_rescue14@yahoo.com

  3. are you trying to get in a gmrs group on zello
  4. i use zello for gmrs as well as my ht email me at fire_rescue14@yahoo.com i am geting ready to make a zello gmrs ch for alaska all you need to do is add zello and give me your user name so i can add you wonce its up and running
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