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  1. https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-47/part-95 what I could find on fcc website. It has been updated recently with new information and regulations.
  2. By what I've seen on the fcc website. Those who don't have a gmrs license are limited to 0.5w or walkie talkie. Those who have a gmrs license are able to do more. I believe it 50w max, but on on the upper channels. 462.600-462.725. Also the frequencies are the same for most of the gmrs and frs. Only difference is that you need a license for a radio that puts out more than 0.5w. Another thing is gmrs licensed individual can transmit to a repeater on 467.600-467.725, receiving from the repeater 462.600-462.725. Gmrs radios do have to be part 95 certified. In lamens terms amateur radio has to be an amateur radio, Gmrs radio has to be a Gmrs radio and walkie-talkie has to be a walkie-talkie. No trying to use amateur radio on Gmrs or as a walkie-talkie and vice versa. The radios are made different on purpose so everyone stays in their lane. Baofeng uv-5r amateur radio is not supposed to be used with Gmrs, but they do a gmrs certified version...I can't remember off the top of my head what the model number is. It is part 95 certified and looks almost identical to the uv-5r. Well that's about all the knowledge I have on the subject.
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