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Everything posted by aa7jc

  1. I ran a simple receive test with three radios that were off frequency by only 12.5Kc from the transmitter. The Wouxun "KG-935G" was able to filter out the off frequency station. The Anytone "AT-D878UVII plus" and the Baofeng "UV-82HP" both failed. Ken WQXQ522
  2. Welcome
  3. What a cool idea!
  4. I just got a 1486 last week and I cut it for 462 using a nano-VNA. The sections that need be to cut look like they are brass. I cut them accurate and clean just using my scroll saw So far performance is pretty good. The chart was pretty accurate for me.. In the end my lengths were exactly what the chart suggested for 462. I have heard that many people found that the chart was off for them so be careful not to cut too short! It is easy to be off by a mm or so depending how you hold your ruler to the base of the coils. I measured with the butt of my zero clearance ruler touching the base of the coil. .
  5. The spurs are in section 5.9 starting on page 23. I don't know, I doubt it though since the radio got a "PASS". Hey thanks for the link on the GRANT.. It took me a while but I finally figured out what to click in their search results to see how you got it Lol! This is a great thread.. lots of info. Ken
  6. Lol! Had to chuckle over that one.. Yes, Me too! The 5100 display drove me nuts when I mounted it in my vehicle. Exceptional radio except for the screen and the mic connector location..
  7. The report I pulled up for the retevis RT97S was at https://fcc.report/FCC-ID/2ASNSRT97/4720800 On page 48 of that report it issued a bunch of "PASS" statuses for a test of 5kHz deviation.. The numbers there look like that radio reached close to the limit of 5kHz ...No doubt I am missing something somewhere... Ken
  8. Thanks. I am reading through the report for the Retevis RT97S and just like you said it is 11K0F3E specific unless I am missing something... Ken WQXQ522 !
  9. I googled the code from the back of my KG-935G (wvtwouxun26) and was able to zero in to an FCC site fccid.io. The test report is this https://fccid.io/WVTWOUXUN26/Test-Report/Test-Report-5372630 The screen shots below are samples in that report of the audio response and the deviation response for both the wide and narrow sections of the GMRS band.
  10. Very interesting! How did you look up the FCC grants for the various devices?
  11. Well somehow that post got screwed up.. There is a great Youtube channel called NotaRubicon Productions and he has more than one video about the UV9G .. Here is one:
  12. There is a great Youtube channel called NotaRubicon Productions and he has more than one video about the UV9G .. Here is one:
  13. Congrats on the license! The GMRS channels 15-22 are shared simplex/repeater (input freq) service. You can program the UV82HP for correct wattage etc for FRS and GMRS .. "violation" I think would be FCC type acceptance.. I have the Wouxun KG-935G and I also have the UV82HP.. I use the UV82HP for ham and the KG-935G for GMRS
  14. I have a similar one and it does a good job for me.. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B085CFHTBM There are some good Youtube videos like this one that explain how to use them:
  15. Has your house or radio antenna ever been hit by lightning? We had a violent storm float through here yesterday (in Sierra Vista AZ), and I saw this amazing damage report from someone who lives close by and I thought it was worth sharing here. BTW, yes about 20 years ago I had a lightning strike that blew up my Comet antenna and when I was a kid in the 1960s lightning hit my tent pole.. Luckily I was not inside the tent but I was close! Ken WQXQ522 ".....That VERY LOUD clap of thunder you heard during the thunderstorm tonight was the sound of lightning striking the chimney chase cover on our house (in Country Club Estates)! It traveled down the chimney and blew a hole in our wall."
  16. Here is a short clip of my KG935G running a scan and it never stops unless there is a legit signal. My scan has no weather alert or priority.. Make sure those are not enabled. Ken WQXQ522 IMG_1087.MOV
  17. Very strange! You say that if you manually flip from one channel to the next there is zero trace of any silent signals but if you let the radio scan it always finds rogue signals that disappear when you stop the scan... That is bizarre. I would send a video of this to two way radio or whoever you purchased it from. Too bad you don't have another KG935G to establish a base line. Good Luck! Ken WQXQ522
  18. Chirp has a beta version that I tested a few days ago and this is what I saw. It looks like FW version? Ken WQXQ522
  19. So, I just had another look at the manufacturers web site and wow! They have a photo of the exact mounting arrangement that you used with the antenna hugging the side of the vehicle... That makes no sense to me but who knows the product like the manufacturer? Still I would reach out to them and ask about why the SWR.
  20. So.. I was unfamiliar with the antenna and thought maybe I wasn't seeing what I was seeing.. That is why I asked. But, I googled the antenna to see what it looks like in the catalog .. Yes. I am thinking that chief suspect for the high SWR is most likely the interaction of the car body with the antenna. Thanks for the pics! Ken WQXQ522
  21. Is that antenna is next to the body of the vehicle? Ken WQXQ522
  22. YES! (Just tested). Thanks!
  23. My KG-935G has a menu item not described in the manual labeled "SIM-RX" It is set to "ON" . Anyone know what it does?
  24. Yes, channels 8-14 would definitely be the way to go. Low power on the KG-935G on those channels with the rubber duck antenna is same as low power from any Walmart variety FRS radio on those same channels ...so I say why not.
  25. MENU ITEMS 49 and 50 are a little ambiguous for me. (page 67 in manual) "RING"? SELECTIVE CALL? Anybody have an example of how these are used? Thanks Ken WQXQ522
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