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  1. We are hearing here as well in Orlando near the theme parks.
  2. Whatever happens, don't riot. Jan 6th was an embarrassment.
  3. No thanks. I'm good
  4. That's another thing. Here in the year 2024 they can't call an Election on the same day. Why? Years ago they did with paper ballots.
  5. Yeah. That's what the politicians tell you. Like if you don't vote you can't complain. Sure.
  6. I don't vote because I refuse to be part of a system that I don't believe in. You are in fact not picking a President. You are given two choices and you didn't even pick those two. The money being spent on elections is out of control. And by voting you're contributing to the circus. It also divides the country. I don't want any part of it. When I had my Business I didn't care who you voted for. That's how I feel about my friends. Ross Perot was a good candidate because he ran as an independent. I like him, and he received a large number of votes. But because of the system he had zero chance of winning. My right to vote also give me the right not to vote. Also when you vote for one of them you're giving them carte blanche to do whatever they want.
  7. I don't vote anymore. Waste of time. The Government overreach belongs to both political parties.
  8. I'm getting my Ham License once I find the time to take it
  9. So will they get a warning letter or a fine? I say they won't do a thing about them
  10. Interesting that a few linking networks claim they're actually legal. Not sure how they could be, but I guess it's a wait and see if the FCC does anything to them.
  11. Our Radio Shack.(First photo) Dad would go into the local Liquor Store after giving me $10 to spend on whatever I wanted. Our First radio was purchased by a local CB Store.(Photo 2) A Royce. My Favorite Radio. We purchased this tower (see photo 3) for our Roof before putting up the Radio Shack Base Antenna. The Antenna is missing in this photo. It lasted one season before crashing during an Ice Storm.
  12. Nobody has ever been fined for talking on a "private" repeater.
  13. A shame. I hope they keep the Station ID part of it up because I use that on my Zello Channel with no Radio Traffic
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