So I'm fairly new to radios. I've had a couple for roughly 3 months and have dove headfirst into all different types of radios. That being said I love scanning frequencies, creating lists for repeaters and other things in my area I'm sure to catch! (Such as I'm fairly sure I have one of the last Wendy's still using 400+ mhz range on their headsets). I was scanning all the preprogrammed frequencies I have in my radio, and one of those included the STARS and DOTS. Brown dot in my area is usually construction workers and crane operators. The STARS and other dots are not usually active, except the uncommon sound of a (water/sewage?) Public worker. That being said, the one frequency that stands out is 464.550, otherwise known as yellowdot. I haven't done muxh research on it, mostly because I love learning from you guys!
My question is, why is it that yellow dot of all frequencies in my area is always buzzing... it sounds like my squelch is turned completely off. And it's the only one of the dots and stars that do this.