Hi everyone,
I am new to the GMRS community and using a HT TIDRADIO GM-5R, so nothing big yet.
Just wanted to reach out as I was hoping in the Denver/Aurora-border area in CO are some
GMRS users whom I can connect to.
I was hoping also to maybe create a GMRS radio community watch in order to maybe
be aware of some suspicious activities in the area.
I know, there is also NEXTDOOR, but until you get a notification, it might be already too late.
Let me know, if there is someone nearby. As mentioned, I have only the HT and would only
go and install a base station, if really necessary.
I was using CB radio long time ago, but wanted to join the GMRS-community as you are
just more serious and also more professional, due to the license and the quite low amount
of available channels.
Looking forward to hearing from you.