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Found 5 results

  1. My two GMRS radios can connect to the repeater and communicate with other users, but they cannot hear each other. Even when I took both radios 100 meters from the repeater, they still couldn't hear each other. Both radios are identical, and I used the programming software to update them with the same settings. I have even replaced my radios, thinking that might resolve the issue. · Radioddity GM-30 Plus GMRS Radio (current one) Here are my channels 23 to 30 settings which I got permission for: Channel Frequency Name Tone 23 462.5500 / 467.5500 RPT-1 GCR 550 Spanish Fort 141.3 Hz / 141.3 Hz 24 462.5750 / 467.5750 RPT-2 GCR 575 Semmes 100 / 100 Hz 25 462.6000 / 467.6000 RPT-3 GCR 600 Perdido Beach 141.3 Hz / 141.3 Hz 26 462.6250 / 467.6250 RPT-4 GCR 625 BAY MINET 141.3 Hz / 141.3 Hz 27 462.6500 / 467.6500 RPT-5 GCR 650 Fairhope 67.0 Hz / 67.0 Hz 28 462.6750 / 467.6750 RPT-6 GCR 725 New Orleans 141.3 Hz / 141.3 Hz 29 462.7000 / 467.7000 RPT-7 Spanish Fort Hgh School 141.3 Hz / 141.3 Hz 30 462.7250 / 467.7250 RPT-8 GCR 725 Theodore, Al 141.3 Hz / 141.3 Hz I appreciate any suggestions you may have.
  2. Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read this question and answer it. I do realize that this may be a heavily asked question; however, I am hoping to make the answer more efficient and richer in data so others who find themselves to a similar position may have answers or at least a direction to go in. I am relatively new to the GMRS world and even newer to the repeater side of things so my knowledge is severely limited, at best. Using the forum here to gather information on the topic I found that a simple basic repeater system is composed of the following: 1. Dual-use or Omni antenna for transmitting (TX) and receiving (RX) signals. 2. Feedline or Hardline to connect the antenna to the duplexer. 3. Duplexer 4. Receiver 5. Repeater 6. Transmitter For a visual representation of this system, a great visual will be used from www.repeater-builder.com listed as figure 1. Now that the basic premise of a repeater has been shared, along with my depth of knowledge on the subject, let me pose my question to the greater community: Looking at each of the six enumerated items above, what is a business that sells them (please include a link to their page) and what is the closest you can get to plug-and-play type of system (what model)? Ideally, in as simply a way as possible, how does one build a repeater from scratch without having to endlessly search Ebay or other sites for old transmitters/receivers. I would like to purchase new, with the ability to change my broadcasting power (not be stuck with 10w pre-made systems but rather make a 50w or greater system). Along with having a link to each of the numbered items showing a product and how to connect all of them. Think of this as setting up a computer for your parents who have never seen/used one. Explain here is the printer, it prints things you want and here is a hyperlink to brand X printers. It will use a USB cable to connect to the computer itself and here is a link for each of those. Then so on and so forth. Once all of the information has been gathered and collected, I will repost so it is a simple way to find information and resources to purchase. As of the current time I am looking at how to build the repeater and what it will take to make it work when I flip the switch and not the FCC document submissions…yet. Once the system is built, functioning, and I have made my measurements I then will submit all of the information to the FCC seeking permission to install and “open for business”. Thank you all for your help with this and look forward to all of the information! < Figure 1 courtesy of www.repeater-builder.com
  3. Hello, New to the radio world. I messed with CB as a kid, ran a radar gun system in the navy, and maintained IT networks as a career I just retired from. Going to test for my HAM ticket as soon as I have consistently better scores on my test exams. Be that as it may, I'm located in the tip of the mitt of Michigan. The closest published GMRS repeater is 116 miles away, as the crow flies. I built a simplex node and joined a linked network. Its okay for what it is, but I really like the looks of this network. From what I can tell there is no way to connect to the myGMRS network without a) using an established repeater a) building a repeater (which is a non starter due to lack of expertise and cash!). Am I correct in my understanding that the only way I can connect to the myGMRS network is to travel to an established coverage area? thanks for listening. Pat
  4. New to GMRS. I am in search of GMRS repeater in the Klamath Basin area, Klamath Falls, Keno? All I see is old outdated information in the listings.
  5. Hello, I have a BridgeCom UHF repeater (GMRS). I’m looking for a tower where I can co-locate my repeater and antenna for a better coverage. Does anybody here from San Diego county? Thanks.
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