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Found 7 results

  1. Hello all! I just wanted to come on here and let everyone know about a new GMRS net that has just kicked off locally here in the Hickory, NC area (Charlotte, NC metro). It is called the Barretts 600 Net because the repeater is on the Barretts Mountain tower site. Frequency is 462.600, standard +5 offset, and the tone is 146.2 Hz. It's a wide area repeater and reaches at last count about 40 miles circumference to Hickory, NC. The net is every Saturday night @ 7:00pm eastern time. Please feel free to contact me with any questions/comments/concerns. Thank you and hope to talk soon! David (WRAX515 or AK4FD)
  2. I've been a HAM for a few months and I'm bored. I was a ham about 25 years ago and had the same concerns then. Anyhow, the more I explore GMRS the more I am interested. I just added my GMRS license. I've got a large UHF / VHF antenna and scan various frequencies, mostly GMRS / FRS, but I also scan EMS and the local HAM repeaters. I'm in NW Montana (in the woods) and I hear lots of nationwide traffic on 462.600. The repeater identifies as WRHS264, but the only call sign I find is WRSH264 out of Kalispell. That seems too far away for me to hear their signal so clearly. I can't find it on any repeater reference website. I also hear CW repeater identification on 462.650, 462.725, & 462.6375. I don't see them listed anywhere either. I'm interested in joining the net on 462.600 -- but I doubt my 25 watts will hit that repeater (if it's in Kalispell) and I don't know the tones for the other repeaters. I don't hear any traffic on them, anyway Interested in GMRS. I would like to learn more about Simplex Nodes, Repeaters, and the local GMRS community. Anyone else in NW Montana on GMRS? -F350
  3. Hello everyone, I was wanting to possibly start a net/hub for GMRS users in the WHITE , PUTNAM, DEKALB , and VAN BUREN County region . Currently there is little to no channels being used In this area . If possible I would like help from enthusiasts in this area to come together to make this happen and possibly connect to Oak Ridge and Lebanon repeaters to connect the state . Comment your thoughts please . I’m new to GMRS and just want to help the community grow and connect more people ! Thank you ! WRQZ406
  4. I am pleased to announce that we will be having a brand new GMRS net this Saturday @ 7:00pm! It will be on the Barrett’s 600 machine in Taylorsville, NC (Hickory area), it’s a wide area repeater located at 462.600 and a 146.2 tone. It will be known as the “Barretts 600 Net”. I will be Net Control and Net Manager, WRAX515. Spread the word and let’s jump it off with a bang! Share and notify!
  5. Okay, I'm a new GMRS user (WRKS279) in Maple Grove Minnesota. I have a little Wouxun KG-805G. A nice little handheld with 5watts of power. Still, I'm not hearing much as I leave it on scanner mode through the day. Sometimes it stops and I hear a partial conversation (usually Ch 15). But, if I try to call out on that channel...nothing. I just got a Nagoya UT-72 antenna for it, with the adapter to use it with my Wouxun. I just have it sitting near the window inside my little home office. But, I'm still not hearing any activity. Today, I was practicing calling out to see if I could connect with someone. Still nothing. So, I'm wondering...are there just so few people using GMRS? Or, is my reach still so poor I cannot connect with those who do? Thoughts? Do I need to step up my antenna to like a Harvest BC200 mounted outside? Or, would it help to get a 50 watt mobile for my home shack? Would I get more activity with that? I'd like to participate in the Midwest Net, but I don't know if I have equipment that would allow me to connect with the closest midwest repeater (169). Supposedly, the "Metro 4" repeater run out of the University of Minnesota covers out to my area in the suburbs. But, I still don't hear any activity on that repeater channel (RPT 19). Even if I did have connect reach, would I use that repeater to somehow connect with the Midwest net 169? If so, how? Thanks for any help you can give!
  6. I can not reach the distance to get in on the net with everyone but I can hear the repeater and see what is going on, I told friends about the GMRS and the net and they also listen in on thing going on,I was never so embarrassed as I was this night, the person doing the net was not at all professional acting or talking in running the net this night. And it was not done in an orderly fashion. The people that I told this to said they were not impressed at all and that this reminded them of the old CB days. I could not argue this point with them.I hope you take this suggestion in mind, someone spent money to put these repeaters up and get them running and this is their dream and to put people in charge of a net to run it right should be above all a privilege just to have been name to do so. I am glade that they are not connected here in my town yet and if I have anything to say about I will suggest to hold off until people can show they are more responsible on how to do what is expected of them. I hope in the future that there will be a better class of individuals that will show up in running the net this way other may want to join in with the growth of GMRS. Thanks for your time in looking at this point and hope for the best from now on.
  7. Hi everyone, im in Range of two local repeaters. One is Charlottesville, Va. and the other is Standardsville, Va. Curious to know if anyone would like to have a net hour durring the week. It would be a great way to check coms and meet other like minded people. 462.575 462.550 Just a thought
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