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License Question - Quick Form 605


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Form 605 "Quick Form" is not just for new license use.  It is a general-purpose form used for applications or updates for many different services.


For a new license application, leave that callsign box blank.  If you are upgrading your existing license, renewing, or changing your address, that's when you put in your current ham (or other) call sign. Never use your GROL, IG, or GMRS call sign on an "Amateur Radio" FCC form filing. Likewise, never use your ham callsign on a form 605 used for GROL address change.  They are totally separate services.


The only thing that your GMRS license and your HAM license will have in common (along with any other FCC licenses you might have) is your personal Federal Registration Number (FRN).  Your FRN will be the same on all of your license holdings.  If not, then you need to do some re-filing....


NOTE TO GMRS, or GROL LICENSE HOLDERS: If you are not a HAM, but wish to take the test and get your ticket, be sure to take your requested forms of ID into the VE session, along with your FRN number that is already associated with your GMRS or GROL license.  If you already have an FRN, this will save you from having to fill out the Social Security number and 'CORES' forms at the VE session.

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Expanding on my previous post...


So, you already have a GMRS license, but you are not sure if you have an FRN? You do.  Easy way to find it:

Go to the FCC Universal Licensing System Search page... HERE>> http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp

in the middle of the page, do a license search by call sign, and enter you own call sign, whether it be GMRS, GROL, Amateur, Business, Whatever...


Your name as it is on your license, and your FRN number will pop right up.  Click on the call sign to see the actual license information. While you're there, make sure your address is correct and things like that. Errors? Problems? == Form 605... change of information.

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