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Hi, I'm new to all this, and as you can imagine, I have lot's of questions. The first of which is this: How much power do I need to use GMRS over a repeater that is about 16 miles west of my house. I can't seem to hear any signals coming from the repeater, and I don't think my 4 watt handheld would be enough to reach out that far. Am I dreaming thinking I can use my TERA TR-505 handheld radio to communicate with anyone that is in range of the the repeater coverage area? I'm not sure what equipment I will need to get on the NET meeting and participate. I can hear traffic when I tune a different radio to the frequency. I was wondering why I can hear traffic on the one radio but not on the TERA GMRS radio that I just bought. Any tips for a beginner would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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Glad it worked out. Sorry for adding an extra 0 in the offset.


Sent from my Vivo 8 using Tapatalk


No worries, because I learned something from it!  I'm just glad to be connected with the entire northern 2/3 of Georgia !!

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It wasn't the PL tones, but it turned out to be the + 005 000 offset that I was unaware of.  I thought the offsets only applied to HAM repeaters, and I failed to grasp that when I did the initial programming.  I used some settings for the offset that GaDalek sent me and PRESTO!  Now let's see what kind of trouble I can get into next (hahaha)...  Actually, I surprised myself, because the offset GaDelek sent me was 000 500 and I somehow managed to figure out it was 1 decimal point off and fixed that part on my own (which is a minor miracle).


So you were transmitting on 463.175 with your callsign? Ruh-roh!  :o  :unsure:  :lol: 








Just giving you a hard time. I wouldn't worry about it. :)

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No, actually I never used the incorrect 000 500 offset. I caught the error before programming it. So basically I went from no offset 000 000 to the correct offset of 005 000. So technically I was broadcasting my callsign on the repeaters output frequency so no FCC improprieties were executed on this very fine day...LOL. However; You make a good observation sir! So basically I was Simplexing with myself, which is kind of like talking to yourself with radios! As long as you don’t answer back, YOU’RE GOOD!

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No, actually I never used the incorrect 000 500 offset. I caught the error before programming it. So basically I went from no offset 000 000 to the correct offset of 005 000. So technically I was broadcasting my callsign on the repeaters output frequency so no FCC improprieties were executed on this very fine day...LOL. However; You make a good observation sir! So basically I was Simplexing with myself, which is kind of like talking to yourself with radios! As long as you don’t answer back, YOU’RE GOOD!


Uh oh. I've been known to answer back! :unsure: :lol:

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Uh oh. I've been known to answer back! unsure.pnglaugh.png

Isn't that how we get the right answers? biggrin.png

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Claro que si escribe lo en inglés yo también utilizaré google translate



Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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Bienvenido, no hablo español, pero estoy usando un software de traducción para darle la bienvenida al grupo.

No puedo ayudarte porque estoy aquí para aprender a conectarme al repetidor tal como eres.

Si puede hablar inglés, puede obtener ayuda leyendo los consejos que los expertos me han dado aquí. De lo contrario, es posible que desee iniciar un nuevo hilo y buscar ayuda en español.


Welcome, I do not speak Spanish, but I'm using translation software to welcome you to the group.

I can not help you because I am here to learn to connect to the repeater as you are.

If you can speak english, you may get some help by reading the advice that the experts have given me here. Otherwise, you may want to start a new thread and seek help in spanish.

Claro que si pantherpaw9 tengo algunas preguntas


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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Claro que si pantherpaw9 tengo algunas preguntas


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

Hi, I would like to know how I can program my baofeng uv5r for repeaters here in los angeles CA.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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Hi, I would like to know how I can program my baofeng uv5r for repeaters here in los angeles CA.


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

One initial tip I do have for you is this: You should probably start a new thread for all this, since this one has been listed as "ANSWERED" so you probably will get better help from a new thread.


Now for my programming tips:


You must first determine if the Baofeng UV5R is legal for use on GMRS. My guess is that it is not legal to use for GMRS. There are technical FCC rules about this, that frankly, are hard for me to understand. You can probably find out with Google or ask someone on this website by starting a separate and new thread in the "FCC Discussion Section of the Forum".



After verifying if the radio is legal for use. You can program the radio using one of two methods:


1. The radio can be programmed with the keypad. This is the difficult way and you will have to read the users manual to learn how to do this. I could try to explain it, but the users manual explains it very well. I learned how to do it by reading the instructions in the Users manual. It is a little tricky but after you try a few times, you will probably figure it out.

2. The other method: you must obtain a data cable to connect the radio to your computer, and use the free "CHIRP" software available on the internet for download. This method is a little easier for most people.



After you figure out which programming method you want to use:

1. You must look up the settings for the specific repeater that you want to use. This information can be found on Google or on this website under the "Repeaters" tab at the top of the Home Page or by clicking the link below:




2. You will need to know the following data:


a. Transmit Frequency of the Repeater (Your Recieve Frequency)

b. Recieve Frequency of the Repeater (Your Transmit Frequency)

c. The Repeater's Offset Value (also called Frequency Shift)

d. The Repeater's Offset Direction (+ or -)

d. The Transmit and Receive Tone Values (Usually these are the same for both Tx & Rx)


Once you have these programmed into the radio on the channel you want. Try to contact someone and see if it works. If it does not work, make sure you are not in an RF dead zone. This basically means try some different locations and move around. If none of these things work, then you probably have a setting entered incorrectly and you will have to keep checking and trying until you tweak them all just right.


There is no real easy one step way. It is a long learning process, and you have to just keep trying. If you get stuck. Come back and ask again or get clarification from someone.


If I have given you any instructions here above, that are wrong or mis-spelled or mis-typed; then rest assured, as sure as the sun rises, someone will tell you exactly which ones I screwed up. So don't worry, You will get the right instructions directly.


Good Luck and let us all know how it goes!

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Sorry, pantherpaw9. I completely lost track of the original thread topic; something I'm apt to do.


Yeah, those links should help a lot. I know that they did help me when I got my first Baofeng. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to post them sooner. smile.png

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Sorry, pantherpaw9. I completely lost track of the original thread topic; something I'm apt to do.


Yeah, those links should help a lot. I know that they did help me when I got my first Baofeng. I don't know why it didn't occur to me to post them sooner. smile.png


Not a problem at all, I was hoping one of you guys would rescue me on this, because since I am learning this process also, I was afraid I may not be giving the best instructions.  That is one of the main reasons I suggested he start a new thread so that the answers would not get confused with the items we had been discussing, but these topics are all so inter-related, that it is probably ok.  I know some forum sites are picky about the threads being posted in the correct categories.  Thanks for your help.

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I thought the Tera was only 2 watts? Either way the radios advertised as 4 are only really 2 watts anyway.


Back to this topic.  To the best of my knowledge, the TERA TR-505 has 2 power level settings.  High power is supposed to be 4 watts, and low power is supposed to be 2 watts.  This brings up an interesting question that is confusing to me.  Maybe you can shed some light on it.  The radio is advertised as being approved for MURS as well, and my radios, after getting the software cable and checking the factory programming had 2 MURS channels programmed into the 15 and 16 channel slots.  These two MURS channels were set to "low" power setting (supposedly 2 watts).  I thought that MURS was only allowed 1/2 watt, so I'm left wondering how these radios are approved for MURS operation if the lowest power level setting is 2 watts (well over the 1/2 watt limit).  

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I think MURS is 2 watts max.


ETA: It is 2 watts.


§95.2767   MURS transmitting power limit.

Each MURS transmitter type must be designed such that the transmitter power output does not exceed 2 Watts under normal operating conditions.


Source: FCC

  • 0

I think MURS is 2 watts max.


That's good to know.  Thanks.  I kept my channel 15 and 16 factory programmed MURS channels so I would have some channels to use with my buddies when we go on road trips, since none of them are licensed.  I'm surprised they even have a driver's license!  hahaha

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Not a problem at all, I was hoping one of you guys would rescue me on this, because since I am learning this process also, I was afraid I may not be giving the best instructions. That is one of the main reasons I suggested he start a new thread so that the answers would not get confused with the items we had been discussing, but these topics are all so inter-related, that it is probably ok. I know some forum sites are picky about the threads being posted in the correct categories. Thanks for your help.

Thanks panther for the information and sorry for getting in the chat


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

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Thanks panther for the information and sorry for getting in the chat


Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


No problem at all.  I just want to make sure you are getting the best help possible.  I am so glad to help.  I would strongly recommend reading the links that were posted by Hans this morning.  Those links look really good.  Let us know how it works out for you.  :)

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