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KPG-22 FTDI (Kenwood) Help



Whelp, while programming multiple radios over the past week I ran into an issue with my KPG-22 cable.  I quit showing a Port under Devices.  Figured I'd fried it by trying it with either the Baofeng or the Rectvis radio.. don't remember which.


So, I just go a new one from BlueMax and although it immediately loaded the drivers and acknowledged as such, I'm still not finding a port assignment.  Went to BM and downloaded driver from there as well and it just instantly completed the process.  Still no port assigned and the KPG-101D will not Read from the TK-3170.  Tried a different USP port on the laptop also.


When I 'open' it from Devices it states "Device is working properly".

Any hints on something simple I'm overlooking?


I've emailed Mark for assistance as well.



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Do you have any other programs open that could have taken up a port? Sounds like a port conflict. Have you tried closing out other programs & restarting the PC with only the Kenwood program open? 


Yes, I have tried that, multiple times.  Will give it another go when I'm not quite so testy about it.. lol.

The Kenwood programming is done, I just wanted to verify and compare it to my other radios (Wouxun, Retcvis) to be sure they all match up.  



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I use FTDI cable from bluemax49s. We know him and we love him.


1. Go to Devce Manager, Expand "Ports (COM & LPT)". You should see "USB Serial Port (COM3)". COM3 is on my laptop, yours could be different. Remember the port number.

2. The setting of the port do not seem to matter, apparently KPG-101D changes them as it sees fit, however: Right click -> Properties -> Port Settings. I have the following: BPS: 115200, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None.

3. Start KPG-101D, go to Menu -> Setup -> COM Port. Make sure that the correct COM port is selected from #1. In my case it's COM3.

4. Plug cable into TK-3170, turn the radio on normally.

5. Menu -> Model -> Product Information. Choose the correct model. That step seems to be optional. I do not see any difference between my TK-3170 and TK-3173. If you have 16-key model, you may need that.

6. Menu -> Program -> Read Data From Transceiver, hit "Read".


Tada!! Or not.

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TADA! it is. 


My Devices & Printers folder was showing Com Port initially but not lately.  Digging deeper in to the Device Manager, confirming Com 9 in my case, and choosing equipment type in the software solved the issue.  Which it was I'm not sure and don't care.. lol


Thanks to you and to Mark @ BlueMax for reaching out to help.  Your solution worked before I tried his, which is nearly the same..



I use FTDI cable from bluemax49s. We know him and we love him.


1. Go to Devce Manager, Expand "Ports (COM & LPT)". You should see "USB Serial Port (COM3)". COM3 is on my laptop, yours could be different. Remember the port number.

2. The setting of the port do not seem to matter, apparently KPG-101D changes them as it sees fit, however: Right click -> Properties -> Port Settings. I have the following: BPS: 115200, Data bits: 8, Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, Flow control: None.

3. Start KPG-101D, go to Menu -> Setup -> COM Port. Make sure that the correct COM port is selected from #1. In my case it's COM3.

4. Plug cable into TK-3170, turn the radio on normally.

5. Menu -> Model -> Product Information. Choose the correct model. That step seems to be optional. I do not see any difference between my TK-3170 and TK-3173. If you have 16-key model, you may need that.

6. Menu -> Program -> Read Data From Transceiver, hit "Read".


Tada!! Or not.

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