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Tucson GMRS Association (Hams) are now on the TGIF DMR Network - TG527


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There's a new talkgroup on the TGIF DMR (digital mobile radio) network that represents the Tucson GMRS Association for dual GMRS/Ham licensees - it's on talkgroup 527. Anyone with a amateur license is welcome to tune in and pipe up - you're welcome! If you're itching to get into digital mobile radio - we can help.


This talkgroup is only being carried on the prime.tgif.network (beta) and not the older (soon to be disabled) tgif.network. You need a DMR id of course, and you'll need to sign up at https://prime.tgif.network. TGIF is a newer DMR network, smaller, and runs very clean - no packet loss or congestion like the bigger DMR networks. We're quite impressed.


There are instructions at https://prime.tgif.network on how to sign up for TGIF and how to configure a pi-star hotspot for DMR on the prime.tgif.network.


If you need help, or have questions on how to setup a pi-star hotspot for the Prime TGIF network, you can catch me on this thread or you can email: SuperG@arrl.net

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I am interested in this, but don’t yet have my Ham ticket (am scheduled to take the Technician test on April 10th).  I do already have an analog UHF radio (have been listening only, of course).


To join tgif.network, I would need both my Technician ticket, and a digital radio, right?


I am still pretty new to all of this, and I don’t even know what type of radio to look for.  And I'm not sure how Talk Groups work exactly.  I found “DMR for dummies” web site and have been looking through that and elsewhere.  Probably will research more later, but at the moment I'm still making studying for my Ham ticket my priority.


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I am interested in this, but don’t yet have my Ham ticket (am scheduled to take the Technician test on April 10th).  I do already have an analog UHF radio (have been listening only, of course).


To join tgif.network, I would need both my Technician ticket, and a digital radio, right?


I am still pretty new to all of this, and I don’t even know what type of radio to look for.  And I'm not sure how Talk Groups work exactly.  I found “DMR for dummies” web site and have been looking through that and elsewhere.  Probably will research more later, but at the moment I'm still making studying for my Ham ticket my priority.



Yes, you will need a DMR radio and either a local repeater that is on the TGIF network, or a hotspot (like the MMDVM). You then need to register your call sign for a DMR ID.

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