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5 hours ago, mtnJ said:

Hi,Does anyone know of a repeater around Seligman, Arizona? Thanks 

Closest I see on here is down near Prescott, roughly 60 miles...not impossible, but very dependent on antennas on both ends and where on the hill the repeater antenna is sited...a full 40/50 watts won't hurt to get there either. 

Another site (usa gmrs association) shows one on .675 with a pl/ctcss of 100.0,  a bit north of kingman. Only 25 watts and 20ft up, apparently. Again, no high hopes, but worth a try.

Outside of that, keep the scan going and listen for an autoid to give away an unlisted one..not a perfect method if there's one there that doesn't id, but there isn't much else if it isn't in any of the listings (since they aren't required to be listed).

Good luck!


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