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Why Wouxun mutes morse repeater response?


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I've found that the Wouxun radios mute repeater morse response? Am I missing some menu option somewhere?

I have several other brand GMRS radios and they do not do that. You key the repeater and you hear the dot..dot..dot...whatever response (yes I know some repeaters don't do that but many do). From any except Wouxun you can hear the morse response. From Wouxun radios you can see the receive meter go to high so the radio knows it's getting something....and it's light comes on top but you hear.....nothing.. But you can talk perfectly fine using said repeater. I've found this to be the case on 935 905 805 and 1000 mobile. So...Wouxun radios...

Even more interesting is they will receive it if...like on a 935 you can have dual receive and if you set the "other" channel to the corresponding normal GMRS channel for instance I use a repeater on 467.625  if you set the other channel to gmrs18 (462.625) it audio's the morse response. But if your just on the "repeater" channel you don't hear said response. But you can talk and hear the other person using same repeater same radio same settings, no problem.

Am I crazy or missing some setting?

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What tone configurations do those radios have on those channels when testing... If the repeater does not send CTCSS tones during ID, but the receiver is configured to require said tone, it won't open squelch for the ID.

There is also something that some radios implement -- squelch tail elimination -- which may cut off ID response...

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Thanks for your response.

So example repeater where it happens has tx D586 and rx D586. I set those. Like I said you can talk to another via said repeater no problem.

I've tried deleting the rx tone same deal. The radio does have the tail squelch thing i've tried turning that on and off and no change in behavior. It also has setting to change the hz for the tail squelch, well, 2 of the 3 wouxun I have do, and that doesn't seem to change anything.

I'm just perplexed. The meter on the rx wouxun goes to max. It's receiving the morse from the repeater. It just doesn't audio it.

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Unfortunately, the only repeater near me is a grandfathered business system belonging to the Government of Grand Rapids; in my 1997 GMRS repeater guide, this repeater was publicly available only for Emergency and Traveller Assistance (and I'm pretty sure the current trustees would be shocked to find some stranger asking for assistance these days of cell-phones). The city seems to use it for parking control -- I seem to hear a lot of traffic about the pay points not accepting credit cards and/or cash, lot gates being stuck up or down, etc.


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Some repeaters will generate CTCSS when they ID while others don't. 

Your configuration for TX PL/DPL and RX PL/DPL in some radios are separate, other radios will use either a single entry for both or rely on whatever the TX PL/DPL is set to for RX if nothing is configured. 

Try looking for a 'monitor' button on your radio.  That will open the receiver regardless of the tone being received.  See if you are hearing the Morse Code when you hit that button. 

Also, understand that the ID of the repeater is NOT going to happen every time you key it up.  There is a timer in the repeater that if it hasn't transmitted ID in the time set in the repeater programming, typically 13 to 15 minutes, it will ID.  If it has ID'd in the last 14 or so minutes it should NOT do it again. 

There is no requirement for a repeater to ID with the PL/DPL tone encoded.  Ham's typically have this enabled so they can hear it to remind them to ID.  Of course, some of them have talking repeater controllers that will babble on about where the repeater is, the frequency, call sign, time, temperature, how high the tower is, how much power it's running, club membership information, and a whole list of other nonsense that no one cares about.  We have a ham repeater here locally that goes on for 15 seconds with this nonsense every 9 minutes rather or not it's in use.  And for the love of God don't key the thing up after it's ID'd because then the secondary in USE ID will come on and it will ID again.  If it's timed right you can get it to ID 3 times in about a minute.  Hence the reason NO ONE uses the dumb thing. 

Personally I hate talking repeater controllers.  The one on MIDWEST is fine.  It runs once an hour, and has useful information.  But if it was announcing crap every 15 minutes I would be unlinking my repeater.

Anyway, I would be looking to see how your radio handles the PL/DPL configuration and see if you can disable the PL/DPL on receive to see if that helps.

I am just guessing but I am willing to bet that the radio doesn't have some special filter to keep the Morse ID out of the receiver. 


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