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What I need to make a Node


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I am new to the GMRS community and not up on all the so called tech speak associated with GMRS. This will be my month 2 and now I am ready to start to expand on my systems at home, that will connect to the rest of the system RF/Zello. It is so frustrating on all the so called info I have been watching and reading about making a Node/Raspberry Pi board/AllStar. I am a retired tech from another area of communications. All this stuff is very new to me. What is worse is the large amount of so called Help on YouTube and other forums. Everyone is just talking heads to think everyone in the world knows what they are talking about. I have given up on that crap. Is there anyone who can get me up to speed on this subject. I think I know what this node things does, but limited knowledge on the Pi thing, or how it's suppose to be connected to the rest of this stuff. And what if anything do I need to buy?

kind of confused Gregory S WRYG543

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Greg, there isn't much information out there about this stuff. Youtube has some videos but nothing that really breaks it down. I've made some videos on tiktok about the topic but it doesn't get down to the nitty gritty- (https://www.tiktok.com/@n2cfx).

Did you get this sorted out? Or did you still have questions about it? 


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