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About 3 years ago I purchased an Argent simplex repeater. Seemed like a neat thing to have. Played with it off and on and found out it could handle digital transmissions as well as voice.  The Argent info page is at: http://www.argentdata.com/products/repeater.html


I've messed with it a bit as has a friend of mine.


The repeater has the following general functions:

  • Store and forward: receives a voice or digital transmission and then replays it over the air. This is the basic "parrot" function.
  • Mailbox: You can leave a message on the repeater for someone to pick up later.
  • Announcements: Can send out a prerecorded message on a schedule or upon request.

The programming, mailbox and message functions are actuated by DTMF.
Some functions can be password protected so unauthorized people can't mess with the repeater.

Since the messages are stored in memory, there is limited capacity. Mine has been upgraded and can record about 13 minutes of audio. Not bad.


Using the basic repeater function, it can be confusing to a first time user since the transmission from the repeater follows the initial transmission.  Watching people use one for the first time can be amusing.


Where these things seem to be of the most value are as a simple way to set up a temporary repeater in the field and as a device to play pre-recorded announcements either on demand or at intervals. You only need a radio, the $100 repeater box and an antenna - no second radio or duplexer.


I am aware of a couple of permanent simplex 2 meter ham repeaters in Maine (one is operated by a GMRS repeater owner) as well as a few others out of state. One, in PA, is used for ARES for voice and digital.


I was wondering if anyone here is either using or has used a simplex repeater (for ham or GMRS), has considered using one or has any great ideas on what useful purpose one can provide in the GMRS world.





About 7 years ago, there was one on the air for a few months locally on a ham frequency, but for some reason it was replaced by a conventional analog two frequency repeater on the same frequency with input 600khz up from the output.  Don't know why it didn't work out,  but since that system is used for weather spotting and reporting, it may not have been 'fast' enough for emergencies....???   (I'm not a ham, so that's just a guess.)

  • 2 weeks later...

I did find a great use for the simplex repeater. I had been checking my repeater's coverage by driving around and having my wife at home with a HT. I'd call and she'd give me a reception report. Not her favorite activity. To relieve her of that duty I attached my simplex repeater to a GM300 and my repeater antenna. Now I can drive around and check for poor coverage areas without her having to be involved. She's happier now (not a radio person but does very well on the radio).


Argent Data Systems has a nice adapter for the GM300 that plugs into the 16 pin connector. It can be found at https://www.argentdata.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=21&products_id=169. The output is a 6 pin mini-DIN connector. They also have a cable that goes from that connector to the repeater's connector but that's not in the catalog yet.




I built an interface to a Maxtrac and used it with a PC and EchoStation for a while a few years ago. It would do voice ID, etc. Easy to use and customize on the PC. I don't use it now, but I still have the stuff to. It seems you have to really be into it to use it with someone else....it's very hard for someone not as versed in radio to understand and pace a conversation, get used to hearing them selves. 


However, it makes a handy range tester, I would have mine shoot the output of my repeater back to me on another freq so I could judge the signal quality when I was testing it by myself. 


When some bubble packers camp out on a GMRS freq....its a good way to discourage them...(voice ID's and canned messages every 15 minutes about GMRS requiring a license)....although that's probably a rule violation too  :wacko:


I usually just had it ID if keyed, and setup a test message on demand. Beyond that...I didn't use it for practical communications. I have 2 real repeaters, so that's all I need. 


I like the idea of having the "GMRS requires a license" message - clever no matter what the FCC thinks. Hey, just helping with education.


I've got a dozen ham friends that are within or almost within 2 meter simplex distance from me. I put an announcement on the repeater that can be retrieved by using some DTMF key presses. It's just a familiarization thing - can you retrieve the message? For the guys that have marginal paths, the more ambitious are raising their antennas or trying out a yagi.


What does work well is to place and retrieve digital messages on the repeater. We're using 5 and 10 carrier PSK125R which send at about 440 and 1100 words/minute respectively. 


All of that said, still trying to find a real practical use for the thing besides radio checks.




Well, if all else fails, use it to do initial unofficial "Nor'Easter" advisories to folks that may not know what's heading their way.  Looks like that would be allowed under 47CFR95.181  with stipulations mentioned in 47CFR95.143


One of the fellows here suggested that a good use would be for group gatherings (he was thinking more in terms of ham 2m and ARES) for sending out informational announcements. For GMRS use, anyone with a bubble pack radio could hear the announcements as long as they were within range. Might be useful at a campsite or similar.


  • 4 weeks later...

      Prior to puting up a full duplex 6M repeater I did a speak-repeater. You'd go in on 52.090MHz, PL 88.5Hz, and seconds later hear your message on 53.090MHz output. I'd thought it to be a great way to test the site and to see how such a repeater would work. I was awaiting for my custom duplexers from Fiplex, so I'd bought the MFJ speak-repeater and a CW ID'er.  Hooked up to the mic / speaker of an 6M FM Alinco DR-06T rig and a 6M Cushcraft Ringo Ranger. Worked great! Unfortunately, even though I had the FREQ pair coordinated with WNYSORC, they were not pleased with me testing with the speak-repeat since they said it was not a REAL repeater. Whelp, still I was not sorry for using it to test the FREQ pair. Got a lot of good signal tests done that way. I'm considering doin' it again temporarily here in WV, but with either a Moto Radius, or Maxtrac. Use it to test where signal is great, and where it sucks, then put the duplex repeater back up again when, or if, I'm satisfied with the results of the speak-repeater tests. WQDG395


Thanks for the report. Was there a reason you decided to set it up with the split frequency?


I've run my simplex repeater on 2 meters from time to time and I did check with the New England coordinator to see if it should be coordinated should I run it full time. The answer was "no - just find a simplex frequency with little activity."



  • 3 weeks later...

Maybe you could consider the simplex repeaters as "starter" repeaters for those who are just getting into GMRS?  I assume they are rather low maintenance....

  • 11 years later...
On 8/3/2013 at 9:43 PM, MSensei said:

Maybe you could consider the simplex repeaters as "starter" repeaters for those who are just getting into GMRS?  I assume they are rather low maintenance....

[Edit - I just realized I'm responding to a 12-year-old thread that I found via a web search. Sorry for the thread necrophilia.]

I have one set up piggybacked onto a UV-82HP extended battery for underground (mine exploring) use. If you hear yourself back from the parrot and topside can also hear themselves back, you know you can talk to each other. And if you don't hear yourself back, you know you're out of range.

Aboveground they can be pretty annoying. Out in the middle of nowhere (Mojave Desert, up on a mountain) I was reaching Dumont Dunes with it, and it confused a bunch of off-roaders with a bunch of "What? What?<beep>" going on as everything the parrot heard was retransmitted.


I’ve always wanted to get the surecom version and test it so I could get a real feel of range in my areas as I’m rather new to uhf but honestly I’m leery it would make certain people mad and as much as I like to play radio with my family I sure don’t want to aggravate other users on the freqs.  So I’ve not gone down that path and instead beg my wife and kids to give me radio checks ever so often 🤦 

9 hours ago, GrouserPad said:

I’ve always wanted to get the surecom version and test it so I could get a real feel of range in my areas as I’m rather new to uhf but honestly I’m leery it would make certain people mad and as much as I like to play radio with my family I sure don’t want to aggravate the channel scanners who want know what’s going on all the time. I know they’re out there listening and wanting to know who’s doing what on their airwaves and if I’m a betting man most of the old timers on the freqs would lose their mind knowing someone in their area is using a parrot repeater. So I’ve not gone down that path and instead beg my wife and kids to give me radio checks ever so often 🤦 

I think it's a combination of taking up 2x the airtime (plus a little more if there's a tail tone) along with confusing people who don't know there's a parrot. It's probably location dependent - I wouldn't run mine here in the NYC area because there's a sizable amount of GMRS traffic here, some of it with tones (so they'll see carrier busy but it won't break their squelch). Out in the Mojave Desert is another thing completely. When the nearest town (population 22) is 30+ minutes away by car there usually isn't anyone around to get confused (and if there is, I can move the parrot to another channel).


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