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RT97S and URIxB I am Stumped



As the title states I am stumped so I am attempting to see if someone can help. I purchased an RT97S. I decided since mygmrs has all the linking items I would go ahead and link it. However this has been a nightmare. Searching this web site and forums it seems no one has ever made this work even though it is advertised on the shop and even Retevis' web site as working.

  1. I found the RT97s myGMRS img and flashed it to an a sd card, then configured and connected to the network. (Had to order a PI3b+for this image) Green dot shows on the map, and i can connect to other nodes.
  2. I purchased the URIxB from mygmrs shop as well as the 25db to db9 cable from the shop.
  3. I have also modified a hamvoip1.7 img to work on mygmrs as well. Based on a forum post, green dot shows on map and can connect to other nodes and listen. (This image is much faster booting and runs on Pi3B+ and Pi4)

The repeater works as it should in stand along mode.

I connect the db9 cable to the URIxB and repeater. Then from the URIxb usb to the Pi usb. When I turn on the pi I get ID and time/weather from the repeater RF. I can key the repeater from Supermon to get audio over RF to all my radios. If I link the node to another node on the network I can hear people talking over the repeaters RF.

The problem is when I transmit from a HT the repeater is not sending audio to the node. I am not able to talk over the network through the repeater. The URIxB has flashing green light, and if the node is IDing the red light lights up. If i connect to active nodes and people are talking I can hear them and the red light on the URIxB lights up. When I transmit from an HT the repeater lights up but no red light and no audio makes it to the node/network. 

I have tried:

  • DPL/CTCSS tones, No Tones
  • eeprom mode 1 and 0
  • Simplex mode 1 and 0 
  • Duplex mode 2
  • only way I get the cos to trigger is manually key in simple usb tuner option I from low to high
  • I can attach an AURSINC simplex radio/audio and it works, but is not allowed on myGMRS so just used for testing but was able to get my green dot to turn red

Has anyone ever gotten this setup to work? It seems the issue is either a setting combination i am missing, or and issue with the Cable or URIxB I bought from myGMRS shop.

7 answers to this question

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I am in the same scenario. Ordered my Retevis 97S ... Ordered my URIxB from mygmrs ... then found out I need a serial cable to convert to DB-9. Now trying to find instructions on how to tie it all together. I am a long time pi user ... so I have plenty of Rasberry Pis ... will look for the disk image ... not frustrated as I find all of this fun and exciting .. My goal is to be able to put up a repeater that will tie into mygmrs for my neighborhood ... Several of us use gmrs radios .. closest tower is almost out of reach .. would like to see us be able to talk around the country using gmrs. 

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2 hours ago, dmttomb said:

I am in the same scenario. Ordered my Retevis 97S ... Ordered my URIxB from mygmrs ... then found out I need a serial cable to convert to DB-9. Now trying to find instructions on how to tie it all together. I am a long time pi user ... so I have plenty of Rasberry Pis ... will look for the disk image ... not frustrated as I find all of this fun and exciting .. My goal is to be able to put up a repeater that will tie into mygmrs for my neighborhood ... Several of us use gmrs radios .. closest tower is almost out of reach .. would like to see us be able to talk around the country using gmrs. 

The image file is on page 5 of private discussion/repeater linking one is specifically listed as for the Rt97s but it don’t work, and you can’t edit nothing to fix it because it’s locked down mostly as read only. So it’s pretty much a waste of time. Tried chmod to read write execute but it fails.

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Moving along .... Repeater is up and running (phase 2) ... going to set up the Pi this weekend (phase 3) .... Hopefully all will go well. Love this stuff!!  

Phase 1 - acquire equipment

Phase 2 - get repeater up and running (antenna, repeater, etc)

Phase 3 - get repeater connected to mygmrs

Phase 4 - Invite some users

Phase 5 - Grow the membership - Facebook, webpage, etc. 


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Does anyone have the pinouts to connect to the PI?

Also there was talk somewhere else that they had to set the unit to simplex mode.

That simplex mode was mislabeled in the software , it actually disables the internal controller and still works as a repeater.
And that if it was in duplex the COS would not stay on while repeating making it not transmit into the net.
Is this true, Has anyone tried this. or was this just a defective unit.
I don't have one yet but am looking for more info before I buy one. 


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On 6/29/2024 at 7:34 PM, WRXB288 said:

Does anyone have the pinouts to connect to the PI?

Also there was talk somewhere else that they had to set the unit to simplex mode.

That simplex mode was mislabeled in the software , it actually disables the internal controller and still works as a repeater.
And that if it was in duplex the COS would not stay on while repeating making it not transmit into the net.
Is this true, Has anyone tried this. or was this just a defective unit.
I don't have one yet but am looking for more info before I buy one. 


You can get the Pin out from the RT97S to the URIxB from several places on the net. the URIxB connects with USB to the PI.

Yes when you are setting up Aterisk you select option 1. Simplex with Telemetry

The simpleUSB settings I posted a SS of is what fixed mine. The factory settings that came on the RT97S myGMRS img file did not work for mine.

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So i reverted back to the RT97 image and not the RT97s image ... even though I am running a RT97s repeater.

In stand alone mode (mic connected to the DB9 port) I can use the repeater. It seems to be working fine.

The 97s is connected to the DB9-DB25 cable which connects to the URIx8 which is connected via USB to the pI running the ASL-1.01-myGMRS-12.18.3-latest-standard-8GB.img image

I can see my repeater registered on mygmrs.com. I can reboot the repeater. I see uptime, keyups and transmission time. 

I can join another network and hear it confirming connection through my handheld.

I just don't think I am transmitting out. When I keyup the mic, the URIx8 red light never comes on and I don't think people can hear me.

My RT97 setting is CH7 - 462.7000 input/output tone of 151.4Hz.

My handheld (TidRadio 8 ) setting is RX 462.7000 TX 467.7000 - QT/DQT Dec 151.4 - QT/DQT Enc 151.4 - TX Power High - W/N Wide - Busy Off - Scan add Add - TurkeyCR - Frequency hop OFF - PTT ID OFF


Any Help ? 

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