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Retevis RA87 Repeater -Reverse Mode programming tip.



RA87 Repeater Setup Issue Solved: 

Both Radios set to Channel 23 in this example.

Hx: Once your channel frequencies and CTCSS tones match,

the next part is setting up the two RA87s for Repeater Operations and connecting each radio with the Data Cable via the Data Port, and then activating the Relay Mode on both units.

On the Receiving/Listening Radio only --the Reverse mode also must be activated.  This Reverse mode can be activated from the radio face with the Fun button and then the Low Button. 

Issue:  However,  the Reverse mode "R"  will disappear from the display (when programmed manually using the Fun and then the Low button)  if power is interrupted --e.g. like during a storm where the power flickers or simply shutting off the unit(s) and then restarting them.   This disappearing "R"  ends repeater relay operations until you can avail yourself to reset the "listening/receive" radio manually.  Yes,  a rock-solid battery backup might help prevent this in perfect conditions.

 Found Solution:  The Retevis Programming Software has the Relay choice field (like Chirp Next) and has a Reverse option tick-box located on the individual channel memory line. This allows programming of the Reverse Mode only on the channel you desire,  while the other channels remain normal/unaffected.

Since using the Retevis Programming Software the Reverse mode "R" remains/ is now present after numerous power outage simulations. I contacted Chirp and they explained that the Reverse function is also present in Chirp. However, you find it by using the upper Edit Tab and expanding the Chirp choice fields. Reverse works in Chirp.  See 7/8/24 Update below regarding a Split.

Update: 7/2/24

I have attached a screenshot of a corrected  Codeplug that Retevis sent me this morning.

I have enjoyed impressive/responsive service from Retevis on numerous questions and help requests!   Retevis corrected my mistake on the Channel 23 line and they initiated  the "Split Channel" option with the Frequencies in the proper arrangement.  My Reverse option remains ON, and the Relay option remains ON in another area not visible on the screenshot.   

07/08/2024 Update regarding Chirp:

After receiving a suggestion from Jim Unroe@Chirp, I tested his suggestion:

Jim suggested programming the RX/listening unit to 467.550 with a negative offset of 5.00000MHz.  The Repeater worked.  Note: Leave the Reverse option OFF and have the Relay Mode ON using the Settings tab> Relay tick box.

I also tried my idea of a Frequency Split -- to mimic what Retevis software is doing in the screenshot.   So using Chirp, Channel 23 remains programmed to 462.550.  On the Ch.23 line>Duplex column> choose Split.  In the additional box that will appear > I entered 467.550.  Relay option is ON and the Reverse option is ON.  The Repeater worked.

Both methods worked and were fully active upon powering back up after a simulated power outage.   The Retevis solution also worked and the Reverse remains ON.

So I am choosing Jim's method to further test the Repeater.  Jim's method allows the Reverse Option to be OFF.  This choice then allows me to use Chirp for all future programming changes.   I especially like that the Reverse option is OFF and no longer a concern -- as this was the must-be-on-always option that started this entire power loss and reboot related concern in the first place.  Progress!   

  Hope this helps others.


Best Regards!



Retevis Relay Final Pic.PNG

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