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Use of the repeater is free and I encourage its use. I am hoping to expand the coverage of the repeater by the end of 2023 or first part of 2024. Right now the antenna sits at tree level at about 70' and I will try to get it to 100' above the treeline and change the antenna to a CommSpec DB408. This should effectively expand the coverage to about 30 miles. I will be adding a list of parts needed, if you wish to contribute you can supply the parts or make a financial donation to this project. Thanks Frank WqWr627
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Thank you Frank. I'll give it a try next time I'm at Curtis Park or in the area. Might wait until the weather's a little better though, hehe. Barry
  3. Hi Barry, the repeater is low level and works better in the area of west Fredericksburg towards Chancelorville. It would be nice to get on a commercial tower with some altitude to it but it is what it is. Frank
  4. Hey All, Just wanted to check in and see what's going on. I've tried to use the repeater but not having much success. I'm in the Vista Woods area of Stafford. I am new to GMRS so was hoping to get in touch with some folks that might have more knowledge/experience. WSDH649 - Barry

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