Misc. Radio Gear
I have a few Motorola radios. The XPR6550 is a good choice. You can buy them for reasonable prices. They also use a standard SMA type antenna connector. The XPR7550 is a better radio, but they are expensive used and have a funky stud type antenna port. So, if you need to use an external antenna you want the XPR6550.
- Album created by Lscott
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- 56 images
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- 22 image comments
- 56 images
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- 22 image comments
My GMRS radios and related gear
- Album created by WRNU354
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- 3 images
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- 3 images
- 3 image comments
Ms Leslie Wilson
Central Douglas CERT - Roseburg, Oregon
- Album created by WRKF602
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- 4 images
- 4 images
The Mesa Crest Repeater Spring Hike April 6 2024
The Mesa Crest Repeater Spring Hike April 6 2024
- Album created by wrwk394
- Updated
- 33 images
- 33 images
Remote operations
Picture taken while hiking and using various homemade antennas and such for hitting the repeaters.
- Album created by WRUS730
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- 2 images
- 2 images
My Stuff So Far :)
- Album created by TheNevilleKid
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- 2 images
- 3 image comments
- 2 images
- 3 image comments
CREST Communications
My participation in the Citizen Radio Emergency Service Team (CREST) in California.
- Album created by WQIR250
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- 34 images
- 34 images
Emergency communications group stuff
- Album created by WQIR250
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- 12 images
- 12 images
Under-canopy Headache Rack Ground Plane
When outfitting my 2015 Nissan Frontier I wasn't interested in putting visible antennas and drilling holes in the factory sheet metal. Since the truck is equipped with a tall fiberglass canopy ("camper shell") I decided to basically use the canopy a a poor man's radome. Took an old headache rack from a smaller truck, modified it to fit within the shell and to accommodate a pair of modded telco rack shelves to serve as ground planes.
I went with a sheet metal mount, drilled a 3/4" hole in the rack shelf as far forward as I could with the angle of the fiberglass canopy. It's a bit more aft than I would like but I can always fabricate an extension for the shelf by cutting up a second shelf, or possibly make something to go between the two separate shelves to extend the ground plane.
To get the cable to the radio I used a factory plugged hole in the forward wall of the bed, through a hole drilled in the plastic cabin pressure vent (so the vent remains functional, didn't just push through the vent) and I pulled the unterminated cable through, and soldered on a PL-259 connector.
- Album created by WRXN668
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- 16 images
- 1 album comment
- 16 images
- 1 album comment
AI created open source- Radio related Images
These images I created with deep AI, I started trying to make a profile picture and before I knew it hours had passed and I climbed out of the rabbit hole with some images that have to be useful for something..
- Album created by DirtyCitizen
- Updated
- 12 images
- 12 images