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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/31/18 in Posts

  1. WRAP646

    East TN GMRS

    I'm new to the GMRS world and I can honestly say I'm excited about the possibilities that I see. I've been monitoring here in the East TN area for a few weeks and there doesn't seem to be a lot of chatter. I have to imagine that it is the nature of GMRS. I suspect there are times when things pick up and get active, but that just isn't right now. For those that have been active for a while in the area, was GMRS able to be of use during the wild fires in Gatlinburg? I'm also curious as to what radios people are using. I hope to get a few of the Midland 40w mobiles in the future, but one of the things I would like the ability to do, is save repeater settings instead of having to manually change the channel each time we venture into a new area (have them preloaded). That coupled with wanting something new, I simply haven't been able to find anything that fits the bill. I'd also like similar functionality from a handheld, those seem a little bit easier to find however. Bottle line, I'd love to know what you guys use, and why. Also, what are your main uses for GMRS? I work on technology and have seen major outages take large tolls on commercial communications methods. I see GMRS as a means to connect to my friends and family during those times as well as during times of duress, should ever have any. Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  2. n4gix

    Tram 1491 weatherproofing

    When I assembled my Comet mono-band 70cm antenna, I used anti-seize on the threads, tightened the connection firmly, then wrapped in 3m electrical tape, followed by a layer of coax-seal, then for the finish, put a nice bit of heat-shrink tubing over the entire junction. Perhaps a bit of overkill, but seeing as how I was paying someone else to install the antenna on the steep roof of my house, wanted to protect it as well as I possibly could. At sixty-nine I'm barely able to walk a straight line on a flat surface. My days of tower climbing and roof-running are barely visible in my rear view mirror.
    1 point
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