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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/18 in all areas

  1. Congratulations to cougar100101 who passed his amateur radio tech exam and then went for his general which I believe he also passed. Enjoyed meeting and having lunch with him as I also passed my general upgrade that day now on to extra. Good people, good friends are made here.
    1 point
  2. I'll be following this and similar conversations. I'm also in Maine, down in York County. Since the wind storm back in October, that knocked out the Internet and cellphones for a couple of days, I've been trying to talk my father and brother into getting into amateur radio so we can keep in touch during the next one. They don't have the time to study, and I found that GMRS was good for the family, so I've moved to pushing that agenda. None of the repeaters on myGMRS for Southern Maine appear to be online these days. The channels are quiet and the fellow listed as owning the bulk of them hasn't responded to my inquiry. I do hear a morse code ID occasionally on 462.675, but I haven't caught it to record and translate it into a callsign I can lookup. I'd love to find out whose it is and ask to use it, as it seems to cover Sanford to Scarborough. In the meantime, I think I'm building my own. I'm in Waterboro, Dad's in Limington and my brother in Poland. I think if I were to set up a repeater on a battery at the folks', we'd have the reach to cover the three houses and our commutes. I'm interested to see what you come up with, WRAV269. Good luck, and maybe we'll connect sometime when I'm in your neck of the woods again!
    1 point
  3. That's not what TCB means. TCB Information describes what class of product (following Part 15 scope) the tester is testing; testing procedure is different for differing product classes. The actual type acceptance certification is not granted by the TCB. The FCC grants this. At the very bottom of that page, the only type acceptance granted is for Part 90.
    1 point
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