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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/18 in all areas

  1. since your mobile is set to open it can hear anything on that channel, even a radio transmitting a PL/DPL, Your HT does not hear your mobile since you have the PL set to 141.3. PL/DPL tones do not provide privacy they only reduce interference from other radio transmissions.,
    1 point
  2. No my mistake folks, it's 462.600. Never could type well............. :-(
    1 point
  3. cateyetech

    Midland MXT400

    Yes we do and yes we do I bought a lightly used one a few weeks ago and we installed it in my son's pick-up truck, with a Browning WSPBR10353 magnet mount and a BR-176-S 450-470mhz 5/8 wave 3Dbd gain antenna. He runs on Medium power and makes a great connection with our base/repeater. It has a good clear Rx & Tx (even with our 5yr old granddaughter with the mic) and has a easy to use menu. They only use the radio for talking to our family group, so it is kept keys locked on one freq set. Hits our station like a hammer!!! anywhere around town and it's hilly around here It provides clear and uninterrupted (12v truck power) conversations with my son on his way to work and evening conversations with my granddaughter after school (pre-K) on her ride home. So yes I love it!!! And it is a great GMRS radio, but like all of the rebranded to 95 conformity GMRS only units it is very basic compared to unrestricted units. I would recommend this as a good mobile unit. How about you?
    1 point
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