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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/18 in all areas

  1. WRAR990

    Semi-new GMRS Operator

    My name is Pat, callsign WRAR990. I became a licensed GMRS Operator on February 13th, 2018. I am part of a local auto recovery team, all volunteers, who pull vehicles out of snowbanks & ditches for free of charge, and some of us are licensed GMRS operators. I'm also a volunteer firefighter here in Western NY.
    1 point
  2. Othergrampa

    New member

    I have been lurking in background for a while, finally joined today. I have read that my family can use my liscence. Does this mean household or son that has his own home. I enjoy reading the info
    1 point
  3. Just a reminder for some of our new members - Forum participation on or near US holidays is always less than at most other times. Please be patient for member replies at holiday time at the MyGMRS Forum. Thanks and have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.. MyGMRS Staff -
    1 point
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