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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/18 in Posts

  1. n4gix

    Gmrs repeater use

    Don't allow one "Sad Sack" operator spoil your enjoyment of a repeater. If nothing else, contact the repeater's owner and let him know what this clod said. Allow him to set "Sad Sack" to rights.
    1 point
  2. berkinet - thanks for your intense googling. i searched also, but didn't find anything. Hans - i agree (to ask Midland for this). i've seen their post on their product site saying they're considering it... i'll try to contant them as well, at least to show there's more interest. Jones - the monitor function on the mxt275 basically turns off squelch completely, outputting (very loud) static until someone transmits.
    1 point
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