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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/25/19 in all areas

  1. Jones

    Socal GMRS

    Hey Elk Hunter, Here's a little more information for you, for when you get your ham license... The standard offset for UHF repeaters is +5 MHz from the receive frequency. That goes for ham, GMRS, and commercial. NOTE: The standard is not always followed, but for the most part, it is. On VHF, there is no standard for offsets on commercial repeaters, and they seem to be all over the road. The standard offset for VHF (2-Meter) ham repeaters is 600KHz, or 0.6MHz. Another tidbit: The standard (again not always followed, but mostly) is that ham repeaters above 147 MHz use a positive offset, and those below 147MHz use a negative offset. Thus, you will see repeaters like 146.820- (in which your transmit frequency would be 146.220) or 147.060+ (which you would transmit into at 147.660). I hope this is useful information for you. -73
    2 points
  2. What is the purpose/intent of the FCC Part 95 rules? It appears that the FCC aims to create a uniform standard for transmitter emissions. Following the "spirit" of the rules regarding frequencies, power output, bandwith, deviations, etc. seems to be the important aspect that allows GMRS users to have a reasonably functional band. Why does it matter how you configure or construct your transmitter if it comports with the emission standards? To a reasonable person, the "letter" of the rule would seem less important than the "spirit". Obviously, the FCC missed the common sense boat during their last rule-making session. Since I am new to GMRS, does anyone know how often they consider making changes?
    1 point
  3. PastorGary

    New License Holder

    Check with member "Corey" - He may have some info on systems networked in several states, including some in parts of Indiana.
    1 point
  4. coryb27

    Phasing Antennas

    For what reason? The 420 is already a great antenna, I can't electrically see any benefit to phasing two of them together. Corey
    1 point
  5. WQYW694

    Flaggers heard using FRS

    hello my name is steve from Kingston ny I am a flagger and we use frs radio ch 1 my job get the cheep radios my question is I have my grms license can I use frs freq
    1 point
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