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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/19 in all areas

  1. BillMCO

    Split Codes?

    I think that's the goal. Don't want everyone and their mom with an MXT115 bought at Cabelas/Bass Pro just randomly picking the repeater channel and going for it.
    1 point
  2. If I were to do it... it would be for the fun of trying. There are enough CCR's on the market that it doesn't have a practical purpose.
    1 point
  3. It can be about coordination. Though GMRS has no official coordination it helps others decide a frequency that might be open in your area. I know every repeater operator in the area and we do all things possible not to cause interfirance among though known repeaters. Several are not listed but we do our coordination on our own. This is no way stops someone from putting up one, but allows us to do it and not cause others problems. I recently was going to put up a .700 repeater but someone else did and decided to go to .675 as it was open in the area.
    1 point
  4. What I can't seem to understand is: If a repeater is Private, and the owner does not want to allow anyone to use it, then why even list it? Is it just a vanity thing to have your name on a website as the owner of a machine? Ooohh lookie, I have this shiny thing, but you can't touch it! It can't be about coordination, since there is no coordination on GMRS, and everyone must share the frequencies. I have a repeater. It is private, DCS locked, and for use by my family only, so I just do not advertise it at all.
    1 point
  5. I have asked for permission on several repeaters in Michigan and never received a response. I understand why the repeater owner would want to screen users, but a response would be at least courteous.
    1 point
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