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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/19 in all areas

  1. scootle

    GMRS-50X1 Features Review

    Great review by the OP. Thanks for doing that. I thought it was interesting to see that there are less than 60k GMRS licensees in the FCC system. I guess the market segment for this service is dominated by bubble pack radios for the most part, not equipment that is halfway between bubblepacks and actual full-bore amateur radio gear... I suppose that's where the Chinese manufacturers fill in for the time being.
    1 point
  2. fldigi can, itll use the computers mic to listen. just set it for cw
    1 point
  3. thames

    Setting up a repeater

    Because I can't help myself... I like to learn new things and after using some local repeaters in my area I thought it would be fun to set one up. I also have access to a facility where a repeater being located there would be very useful for my friends and family.
    1 point
  4. Will the Tera do mixed tones Like TX PL, RX DPL.
    1 point
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