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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/20 in Posts

  1. Firstly, glad to finally be here. Been a lurker for a while, and the FCC got back to be a few weeks ago, so now I can key up Back story summed up, I'm working on a repeater for my family using a pair of Kenwood TK-862G/HG mobile radios (the 862G for RX, 862HG for TX @ 25 watts). I know there a lot of 'better' options out there for repeaters and mobiles aren't the best of the best, but its what I've got, so I'm using them. I'm also using Tk-863G for mobile units and looking for TK-3402 HTs, but they aren't 'part 95a'....oh well, still looking. Current situation, I'm trying to interface the two radios using the KCT-19 accessory cable. I didn't want to use the front mic ports, (I wanted a clean look in a cabinet) I figured the accessory port would be fine for this. But, I cant figure out the pin-outs. I figured I could just take RX unit and run Receive detect output (CN4 #1) to the TX unit External PTT input (CN4 #7). Plan was to use CN4#1 to activate the PTT and just route audio out from RX to the mic in on TX. But that didn't work...anyone got any ideas? I think I'm having issues because one is an active hi, and the other is active low? I'll try to attach any information needed, .pdf, pics, anything anyone needs. The pic shared is the PCT-19 accessory pin-out. CN1 is used for a separate control unit (I believe GPS), so ignore it. CN3 is horn alert, CN7 is PA..so disregard those too. CN4 and CN8 where the logical ports to use IMO.
    1 point
  2. My wild guess is the radio was modified to use an external speaker. The switch would have been used to select between the internal one and the external speaker, maybe both.
    1 point
  3. I have shared similar stories with others over time that want to get into the radio hobby. Getting in cheap may not always keep them involved with poor performance. Buying quality equipment that works normally keeps them around a bit more. Its not only the subscribers but also when it comes to repeaters. A MTR3000 with a duplexor and DB404 is going to out perform and Baofeng back to back with separate mag mounts on an ammo can....but some people dont get that. (BTW not saying folks need to invest 15K for a repeater but my point was you get what you pay for)
    1 point
  4. Savage

    Battery Backup

    I like the simplicity of this. Thinking along these lines, any idea how a 100 watt solar panel hooked to a solar distribution controller to a 12 volt deep cycle battery (similar to your Trojan setup) would do? I'm in So Cal so the one good thing we do have is sun.
    1 point
  5. WRAK968

    Linking to network

    Ok, in the screens you showed me with port forwarding, make sure the port forward circle is selected then click "Add Custom Service" This will give you a new screen. Fill in the following info: Service name: GMRS Link Service type: UDP External Starting Port: 4569 External Ending Port: 4569 Check "Use same port range for internal port" Internal starting port (Leave Blank) Internal ending port (leave blank) Internal IP address (Enter the IP address of the raspberry pi) Click on "Apply" This should add the UDP port for the pi. As for rebooting the Pi, there are two ways. The first is to log into the pi (whatever username/password you set, if you did not set a password, it is likely repeater, 123456) then type Sudo Reboot. It should reboot the pi. The second is to just unplug the pi, not the best way, however if you do not have a screen and keyboard set up for the pi, this is usually the easiest way.
    1 point
  6. Look for brands like Cellwave, Sinclair and RFS. USA made only. I just checked fleabay and best mobile deal is 149.00 but I have seen used US made for around 100. I purchased a full size cavity for 150, so you just have to wait for a deal.
    1 point
  7. That's how it's done, build it for your own use and share with others.
    1 point
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