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Everything posted by Durake

  1. This is something I didn't know either, now I understand. I'll do this sometime, it'll make the install in the car look a lot nicer in the back.
  2. Thank you! I was like, so confused. I'd like a bit more than 5 watts on 220, I'll look at some other options.
  3. Looking at some different 220 capable radios, this one is tri-band, 50 watts on UHF and VHF but only 5 on 220, why? https://baofengtech.com/uv-50x3
  4. I haven't had it happen yet, cleared the cache like you suggested, thanks.
  5. Thank you so much for sharing this information, Greg. Mod, is this thread worthy enough to be pinned?
  6. Certainly is, bring more people to the hobby. I had some on 600 simplex the other day, no callsigns given, sounded like they were playing "Cops and Robbers" around the neighborhood, I didn't even bother going to talk around since I've never heard anyone actually use any other tone (sub channel as they know it lol) besides 67 hertz. I got on and said "WQXR714, what is your callsign?" it was silent for a minute and they said "WHO?" I replied "W,Q,X,R,7,1,4, you are required to have a GMRS license to operate on this channel, if you do not have a GMRS license I strongly suggest moving to one of the FRS channels, which would be 1-14." they were quiet...... I remember one time I was talking to someone and the dad actually got on, I explained to him the rule about licensing, I don't remember what happened after that but I think they moved to FRS. That was a fun one.
  7. I appreciate all the replies, had a good laugh on your response William! There are 2 guys I regularly talk to on ham and their callsigns are W5LOB, but he says it like W5LLB really fast so you can't even catch the call, and then N5WYT, but he says is like "N five double y t" lol. I'll record it today on my way home and see if I can catch both of em on at once then upload it to show y'all what I mean. Yeah it'd be nice to have vanities.. I just wonder how that would work out, I guess you have W and then 3 letters and 3 numbers, gosh that'd be a lot...WQXR714 turns into WDCR183 haha, that would be pretty sweet.. Edit: Now that I think about it, it'd be cool (prolly not legal) to have a GMRS callsign like WQXR777 or any 3 letter combination and just say "W Q X R triple 7" DPD does that all the time for their element numbers, "Charlie triple 3" *squawk*
  8. My friend in REACT works at a radio station so he has all the right stuff, I'm hoping he is at the meeting tonight so I can give him it. I'd get on the radio and ask around if you haven't already, I'm usually on this 440 repeater and it's only me and the same guys everyday talking on it, one night at about 8pm I threw my call out and asked if anyone could answer a question I had about antennas and dude, literally like 10 people I've never heard before got on haha, it was like crazy! So ask and see what returns, maybe someone would be willing to do it.
  9. Kinda funny... I posted on RR the other day asking about my amateur one that I just got recently as well. I discovered the issue by narrowing it down. I at first thought the PA blew, so I swapped radios and it showed the same results, then I tried a different antenna, still same results... It was that the duplexer wasn't tuned as I thought it was, so I'm going to get it tuned this next Monday. Oh, and I agree with Corey, the duplexers are literally never tuned right.. Find someone you know that can tune it and let them do it! Weeeeelll. My cousin works for a communications company and he has a statewide TRBO system and they use LMR400 for all their stuff. I was telling him about my repeater and he got me a 75 foot roll of it. I'm not here to argue but am curious as to your statement, he has an unlimited budget for the system so, why would they pick LMR400 when they (presumably) know that it will have noise and desence issues? Much less why would anyone use it if its going to have both of those issues. I could see that if budget was the problem. Just curious
  10. ...GMRS Operator, what would your response be?
  11. I climbed a 40ish foot Rohn tower, not like that's really impressive but I enjoyed it lol. It had a 10 foot UHF antenna for the GMRS repeater at the very tip top, then had 2, 180 degree antennas on both sides for internet. If I remember I'll post the pic here when I climbed it.
  12. Sometimes when I log in I am immediately redirected to create a new repeater, anyone else having this too?
  13. Durake


    My gosh, sounds like something you would hear only on CB, as the phrase has been coined "GMRS is becoming more like CB" I remember me and some friends going to my grandma's house out in the middle of BFE to go camping, on the way we listened to the CB, the entire way it sounded like UFO's we're flying over us and gun shots and good lord just a multitude of crazy sounds and noises. Haha.
  14. I agree with Matt on the ARRL issue, but to answer your question.. Hans provides good information, my group doesn't really have a structure or ranking or anything, aside from the owner, trustee, and admin of our repeater. We pay a small yearly fee that we all agree on and then when a need or want arises we meet up and discuss what it is, how much it'll cost, and then vote on if we want to spend money on it, so having a club or group of friends and put money together can help get things going. We call ourselfs (not legally of course) the "Motorola Professional Radio Club of Garland" that was our thought but we don't want to get into the legal aspect of using Motorola in our name, but we all only use Motorola radios. So, I guess we are just a "Unincorporated Association" which I had no idea that was even a thing. So, thanks Hans for that.
  15. Hahaha, my buddies and I use it all the time on GMRS lol..
  16. Teeeeeeen four...*squawk* (MDC1200)
  17. Welcome to the hobby, sorry for my delayed welcome!. I saw it said on your profile "Interests: Fast V8 Fords" First thing that came to my head was a CVPI haha, those things are awesome! I was gonna ask but you've already confirmed that in this thread. Again, welcome!
  18. Yeah, I saw a bunch of peeps likes a post I made on there, I wanna see what I said but I can't since it's not there.. Maybe a Mod, sorry.. The Mod will be able to answer when he hops on today.
  19. I was trying to look back at https://forums.mygmrs.com/topic/1102-unauthorizedillegal-use-of-gmrs-frequencies/ and noticed it is gone..? Anybody else unable to access it? Was it removed? If so, I'm just curious as to why.
  20. I believe once you renew it'll take effect. Maybe someone who knows can give you a definite answer. Update: Me and n4gix answered at the saaaaaame time, there is your answer
  21. Hellooo, I've been using GMRS since about mid 2016. Absolutely love it. Radios I use for GMRS are as follow: Motorola PM400 (mobile) Motorola Maxtrac (base) Icom F6021 (base) Motorola XTS3000 (portable) Motorola XPR3500e (portable) Motorola HT1000 (portable) Motorola CDR700 (repeater) I've always been a fan of Motorola, just the strong build quality and how durable the radios are. I do have a couple Baofeng portables in my car and use them from time to time. I use GMRS to talk to mainly friends, occasionally family as well.
  22. I can say the opposite. I applied for a nationwide itinerant license with 53 UHF frequencies and 16 VHF frequencies. With a few repeater pairs combined into both. The only thing that stopped me from getting it is paying. The online payment wouldn't work (presumably) because of their dinosaur age java they use to run the form, and I didn't feel like sending money since it wasn't an urgent thing and GMRS works fine as of right now. Just me and a couple of friends would utilize the frequencies. Didn't need to prove anything. Maybe it's changed over the years and back then they required you to prove something and only allow it in a regional area. Who knows.
  23. Another example, I listed mine and a repeater owner contacted me the next day letting me know I'm on the same pair and tone as him, so I changed tone and if it gets bad I'll change frequency. Had his repeater been listed I wouldn't have had to go through all of that, so it is very helpful as far as frequency coordination goes.
  24. I brought down my Portable, somehow forgot to bring my mobile :/ and I've checked all the channels with the travel tone, only the 650 and 700 work, I've been monitoring both for about 2 days now, no traffic. I've even called multiple times for anyone monitoring at different times of the days. I don't see them listed on the map so I'm not too sure. Anyone in the Orlando area that possibly owns these repeaters?
  25. That's what I use right now, absolutely love it. I agree with zap.
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