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About Wrvq441

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  • Location
    Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin
  • Interests
    Retired/ self employed machinist, Dog training, woodwork/ CNC Router, radios, firearms, wild boar hunting.

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  1. Greetings to all. I have an opportunity to obtain some Motorola HT1250 radios. I see the programming cable is different from my other Motorolas, but also found Motorola made cables in abundance on the internet. What I cant find information on is what software do I need for programming these radios? Will the Motorola Astro software work, or do I need something else? And please; I’m only asking for software information specific to these radios. I am not looking for a review or comparison on these radios. Thank you in advance! Paul
  2. XTL 5000. No removing pins, all molded. I’ve decided not to cut and to drill.
  3. I recently tried something similar. My hand held can receive from the repeater just fine, but I am just far enough away from the repeater that I cant transmit to it. So I had the brilliant brainstorm that I could set my personal repeater to receive from my hand held and transmit to the repeater that I want to use. My hand held would be set to transmit to my personal repeater and to receive from the repeater that I want to use. My repeater software wouldn’t allow that kind of frequency spread, and it probably wasn’t legal anyway. I too was spoiled back in the day with EMS where our Pack-Rat hand held would be repeated through our squad radio.
  4. Hello Everyone. Has anyone ever successfully spliced the communication cable that goes from the brick to the control head on a Motorola? I’m in the process of an install, and for the sake of neatness would like to run the cable through a small .250” hole rather than a 1.125” hole for the connector on the end. I have some multi pin phenolic amphenol connectors for the splice but in fear of some fancy shielding I’m hesitant on cutting it because I don’t want to ruin it. If it were only a $5.00 cable I would chance it, but that’s not the case. Thank you in advance for your input. Paul
  5. Thank you everyone. So much for my request for a “Yes/No” answer. ?
  6. Fair enough. Thanks!
  7. Just watched the video of the link that you posted. It answered my questions. I also posted a question on encryption under technical questions. Thanks! And I never really watched YouTube before, but after stumbling across one of yours this past year, I’m hooked. It’s great to learn and laugh at the same time.
  8. I am aware that it is not legal to use encryption on GMRS. I’m just curious about the different licensing out there. I never felt misled by the video.
  9. Hello everyone, and yes, I am aware that it is not legal to encrypt on GMRS, but I realize that we have much more than GMRS operators on this forum, and I’m a technology geek that likes to know how things work. So my question basically requires a yes/no answer if you leave all of the legalities out. If you and someone else has AES 256 Encryption installed with the same key, and can communicate back and forth on simplex; could you also communicate through a regular repeater, or would something be lost? Would it take a special repeater to relay the encryption? Thanks in advance!
  10. Just saw a “NotARubicon” video on the Motorola XTS5000. In the video Randy stated that in order to please the frequency gods, one must have a FCC Commercial License to operate this radio. I went to the FCC website and there are several different types of Commercial Licensing and it looks like they all involve a certificate of passing a test of some type. Can some elaborate on what licenses is required to operate the above mentioned radio, what the license actually covers, and how to certify for it? Thanks!
  11. Yes. Kemp does Motorola repair. To be more specific; they only repair brands that they rep, and Motorola is their main brand if you go to their webpage.
  12. Thank you everyone for your input. I have found some paths to travel on this and am currently satisfied. Again; thank you all for your input.
  13. Does anyone know where I can legally purchase programming software for a Motorola XLT5000? and yes; I have attempted to maneuver Motorola’s website.
  14. I’m currently reading this book. It sticks with code, but refers to many other things/ concerns as well. It stresses that you also need to comply with your local building code. Especially since you’re mounting this on someone else’s building. For insurance purposes along with public and fire safety, you need to do everything possible to protect yourself from liability.
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