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  1. I just got on the wait list for the Wouxon KG-UV9GX. I figured I could use it as a scanner to see if I have any real interest in scanning and/or Ham before spending big bucks, and I can use it with my GMRS.
  2. Hi Steve, Thanks for answering the original question in such a concise way! I've been reading a lot online and have found pieces of this information here and there. It's really nice to see it summarized. Now, I know why emergency radios have the bandwidth they have, and I also know what I need to do to listen to local emergency services. All of you here have helped a lot!
  3. It looks like the Wouxun KG-UV9D radio will pick up a lot of these. Here is the range. Do you think this will be good, or is there a scanner out there you recommend? I'm new to this and don't know much about scanners. Thanks! Dual Band Transmission 144-148MHz VHF (FM TX) 420-450MHz UHF (FM TX) 7 Band Reception 76-108MHz (FM Radio) 108-136MHz (AM RX) 136-180MHz (FM RX) 230-250MHz (FM RX) 350-400MHz (FM RX) 400-512MHz (FM RX) 700-985MHz (FM RX)
  4. So, I have this Crane Skywave and this is the range listed. It doesn't look like I can pick up much of anything listed on radioreference.com (https://www.radioreference.com/db/aid/5698. Why do a lot of these radios have this specific range? Are they mainly broadcast channels for emergency broadcasts, or something like that?
  5. Yep, thanks! I'll program in my local repeaters next.
  6. OK, figured it out!
  7. Hmmm, I can scan GMRS, has channels already added. I can scan all of FM, found my stations and added them. I haven't seen where HAM can be scanned. Not that I would want to scan it all, but I'd kinda like to know how to on this radio.
  8. Thanks for the info! I was under the impression I could switch to a HAM band and scan it. I may have been mistaken. But, hey, I'm a newb!
  9. I've only added the FM stations I like. I don't know how to scan the HAM bands.
  10. I just received my new base station. I've set it up with a DWC30WIN and a Nagoya NL-770G. I've managed to get my FM stations added through the menu. I've figured out scanning on GMRS and FM. The manual says it can receive ~136-174 (2m?) and ~400-479 (70cm?). Question: Can this radio scan them now? I can't seem to find them. OR do I have to add specific channels to the radio in order to scan them? FYI, I know how to program since I have two 905G's where I've added some of the local repeaters.
  11. Yes, I went to the website.
  12. Thanks. I have LSD programmed in but haven't tried a repeater check yet. Are regular users allowed access to transmit on Ecom repeaters or is it only for first-responder-types? I'm new to this and don't know the protocol. Thanks!
  13. On myGMRS.com for the zip code 92071, it lists a few Ecom repeaters. I asked for access to these about a week ago. I haven't heard anything. I got to wondering. Are these only for emergency personnel? Perhaps, I should not have access?
  14. Excellent advice! Thanks!
  15. Hi, New to GMRS. I have KG-905G's with all their accessories x2. The wife and I wanted a form of communication besides cell phones, just in case, you know, an earthquake, etc. happens. We're in East County San Diego. I asked for access to the ECOM repeaters in my area, just in case, you know, zombies, etc. We did a quick test and we can get around 2.5 miles with the Nagoya antennas. I do not have a base station yet, but I was thinking of a Wouxan KG-XS20G Plus to start. Maybe a 1000G depending on finances. Frank Edit - Oh, I wanted to add - thanks to NotARubicon, your videos helped me with my purchases. Thanks, man!
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