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  1. ? I too was compelled to disassemble things around the house to see what was inside when I was a kid. That never really goes away, does it? Thanks, Steve, for the photo. Always interested in peeking behind the curtain.
  2. I have! and there is a great result: No more "WhiskeyRomeo". Thank you! Steve for the nudge and thank you very much, Rich for the fix. I sincerely appreciate it.
  3. I believe there are two stubby antennas offered by them. The 2.5" and then a 1.25" or something close... The same feller that bought some Wouxun KG-935G Plus has ordered two of the 2.5" Smileys. I'll try to paraphrase his report as soon as we test them. He and I know each other "in real life", and we tested our radios through a local repeater last week. [<-- link] We'll test again when he gets those Smileys.
  4. Until you get a better reply to your post, why not go0gle search "2-way radio supply near me" using your zip code? Or "Midland MXR10 for sale" which may net you another online retailer. Perhaps you find a brick-n-mortar shop within 25 miles of you that has one on the shelf... Either way good luck to you.
  5. By all means! and thank you. Thank you for helping me clean up my mess. D'oh!
  6. And boy am I pleasantly surprised. First of all, about my forum username. I made a mistake, tried to contact support@gmrsdotcom or whatever the hyperlink was, asking if my username might be modified to my simple FCC GMRS Call Sign, losing the phonetic gibberish... and have received no reply and this after over one month. I remain both slightly embarrassed and sad at the same time. That said, I was, as the thread title implies, able to communicate using my KG- 935G HT, both factory Wouxun antenna and the Nagoya 771G (and where there was no discernable difference between the two after several conversations) using the Santa Monica Mountains' Saddle Peak GMRS repeater with my friend in Calabassas/Woodland Hills and his KG-935G Plus, 6 miles from the repeater. To say I am surprised, excited and completely satisfied with my purchase of this Wouxun would be an understatement. Thanks goes to N.A.R. Prods/OffroaderX for his efforts, his informative videos and his wonderfully-dry sense of humor for steering this 2-way radio user in the right direction. And to think I was about to bust out the ol' Cobra 25LTD! to use in the desert. I still can, but, why. ? ?️ ? ?️
  7. Listening on my KG-935G 5W HT to GMRS repeater "Ranchino" which is 49 miles distant- I'm backed up to the Pacific ocean, but 150' higher than the rest of the southern California coastal plane... almost line-of-sight. Sounds like a good group of guys yammering on about family, the weather and Jeeps. Perhaps once my 20W mobile is functional I might be able to reach that one from here.
  8. I mean, other than this shot in the dark: https://www.google.com/search?q=KX2+radio+and+an+AX1+antenna.&rlz=1C1RXQR_enUS932US941&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjTosHlg6f9AhVUM0QIHcnHAsUQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1219&bih=564&dpr=3.13
  9. You guys tease us! We have no idea where to look for images of such splendor! ?
  10. Boy, did I get the Error message. Several times, and using the red Wouxun cable... but when I plugged in the three-yr-0ld BTECH/Baofeng programming cable (for a couple of UV-82HPs I bought at the time*), IT WORKED just fine for modifying the layout of the KG-935G. Sure glad I had that BTECH cable! I let my buddy know to be sure to order his own programming cable 'cuz, well, mine didn't work!, see. I had most of what I originally wanted to do to this Wouxun HT (named a couple of repeater channels, entered some CTCSS and DCS tones already accomplished by way of the radio's keypad but with the cable I was able to watch and learn from yet another NotaRubicon vid and ended the session with only changing the display name of the radio. I see now from the vid I posted above how I can add the variations for DTCSS/DCS tones for different repeaters (in different territory) that share a Channel freq. That's pretty neat, as is the other 950+ spots reserved for whichever channels I'd like to monitor. Pretty neat stuff. Thanks for your help, Three Five Zee-ro. ? *HAM Technician ticket study never took, but now that my motor's been revved by my intro to GMRS w/ this great Wouxun, I can see that in the not-too-distant future I may resume my amateur radio study.
  11. The Baofeng cable will work for programming the Wouxun KG-935G/GPlus, according to this feller here on YouTube: He says so @ 1:30 I have not yet tried it, since I've never done this to a radio before I have some small trepidation and am going to use the Wouxun cable instead for the first time programming my radio. Thanks again for your suggestion, though! ? ?
  12. D'oh! I do have the KG-935G... and I have not tried to program it, because *I'm an idiot*. ???? IOW, your posted suggestion is brilliant, considering I'd misplaced my usual command of the obvious. Thank you. *thumbs up*
  13. Can the BTECH PC03 FTDI programming cable be used interchangeably with the Wouxun PC-001 cable? On the surface, the two appear to be indentical, save for the shape (and perhaps the contents) of the USB-end housing. The jacks should be identical... If I knew anything at all about PC basics, I may have had my answer. ? I have both cables, but if so, only need one. A friend is going to purchase two Wouxun KG-935G-Plus radios, and I'd like to give him the BTECH cable to use for programming his 935G-Plus. Thanks in advance for any and all replies. ?️ ?
  14. In other news... Seems I cannot leave anyone else any "Thanks", today. That's an odd way of doing business. Oh well.
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