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Everything posted by WRVX790

  1. In NotaRubicon's video, the performance of this Midland "ghost" antenna falls almost directly between the MTXA26 and the vaunted Nagoya UT72G... I wanted to try this ghost antenna first, and have already ordered the antenna with the more normal/traditional appearance/configuration, the MTX26 (which I prefer, anyway). The ghost antenna could be thought of for urban stealth... or for low-overhead clearance wherever, although at that point with the 2" lift of the truck I'm not going into many parking structures. Even then, I'd first have to remove any roof-height-mounted antenna. I would think anyone serious about mobile rx/tx range would start at the highest point of their vehicle... but that's not always easy. Thanks for your replies. I'm going to fix the first image; I accidentally deleted it when I deleted an IMGUR post I had not intended.
  2. The antenna shown above, from what I understand, has been ridiculed as being little better than an antenna dummy load. A fair test is performed here ---> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0E9c2Jlndmg <--- by the Greatest Living GMRS YouTo0b Hobo, NotaRubicon Productions. Yea, though I drive through the slums of southern California*, I fear no evil for N.A.R. is with me. His videos and antennas, they comfort me. *a necessary evil this lowlander must suffer to ascend to the Glory of the High Desert
  3. Not yet wired, but have M&P Hyperflex 5, an M&P PL259 ready to go to attach to the Dave's Hobby Shop NMO mount just installed in that Larson 3rd brake light sandwich mounting bracket. Just warming up to the idea of having to pull the vehicle's headliner... run the cable forward and down the passenger-side A-pillar to wherever I decide to mount the Wouxun KG-XS20G Plus that arrives tomorrow. Thanks for looking.
  4. Notice what kind of tape they're using... *thumbsup* Thanks again, S.S.
  5. STEVE! D'oh! Peel-and-stick steel discs! *facepalm* Why didn't I think of those? first... ? You are a GENIUS. Hee! Thanks a metric boatload!
  6. SO! I have a question pertaining to the THREAD TOPIC! Imagine that! ? The body of my Ford veehickle is made from alyewminiyum sheet... I wish to locate a mobile GMRS antenna on the roof, but a MAGNETIC MOUNT will not work for obvious reasons... So... I had considered using 3M VHB tape, the same stuff used to attach sheet glass to the exterior of skyscrapers... I've used the stuff before and it works extremely well in tension, less so in shear. The antenna in question is the short, stubby Midland tuned to/for 462 magigahertz. I'll use the best coax I can afford so as not to lose many RF electricities before they're squirted from said antenna. Said tape is perhaps 1/16" thick at best. Will I lose much of any ground plane? I suspect not, based on what few good replies herein have stated... I am only seeking corroboration. Thank you in ADVANCE, gentlefolks! ?️ ?️
  7. You had me at .45 ACP. ?
  8. Thanks again, MichaelLAX for your help. I have entered "when to program gmrs repeater values" into the go0gle. The results are many. I'll be busy reading for awhile.
  9. I might also mention that our neighborhood is over 100 ft higher in elevation than the surrounding L.A. basin. It would seem that we're perfectly situated (almost lines of sight) to all four of those repeaters. At the very least, to Topanga and San Pedro...
  10. *post dinner break* Which frequency what? The two (four, actually) repeaters I can hear? 462.575 - Topanga, Saddle Peak 462.625 - San Pedro, Ft MacArthur 462.650 - Redlands 462.700 - Inland Empire [NotaRubicon] I can hear convos on all four while inside my house and on this Wouxon HT, but I'm closest to, and smack dab in the middle of (15.1 mi one way, 15.2 mi the other) of Topanga and San Pedro. I certainly do not expect to reach these guys in tx on just 5 watts, though. At some point in the next few months I'll get a mobile unit which may do double duty (carried to and fro) as a base station with all the peripherals that will entail.
  11. Agh... just moments after that very poor choice of a username went into effect, I regretted the attempt at being clever. I had emailed *mygrms.support* but have received no reply to my request to change my username to just my call sign... I don't think the folks I'm listening to are communicating simplex, based on their locations. Too far apart and too far from me. Who knows. Thanks for trying to help this fumbling no0b!
  12. I have turned them off, and I turned off the TX CTCSS as well. I was under the impression that to be able to use an *Open* local repeater that has published their Tone Up/Down I had to have both Up and Down tones set to the correct value. So you're saying that how it's done is just to program the repeater's Down tone? Thanks for your help.
  13. My KG-935G can listen to local repeater tx/converstations, but when I program the CTCSS for each repeater (as per published info) I can no longer hear the same chat that I could before, although I can see other user's tx signal strengths... Then when I turn off the CTCSS tones for each of the two repeater channels, I can again hear other's conversations. What am I doing wrong? ?
  14. The following reflects both ongoing and then the latest developments in southern California regional GMRS: GMRS Channel 16 is the off-pavement travel channel. GMRS Channel 19 is the pavement travel channel. What we might have is a distinct Emergency Channel... preferably a repeater channel. Back in the ol' CB days that was Channel 9...
  15. ^ ^ ^ Thank you, ss. User JeepCrawlers first reply in that thread is indeed edifying. Then, there's mbrun's comment! Hahaha... "When I hear roger beeps, I immediately think of kids playing with toys and cheap radios, sort of like clipping playing cards onto one’s bicycle to rub on the spokes and make noise while you ridding. Fun for the person making the noise, annoying to everyone else." I am further edumacated! Thank you. ?
  16. And, while I doubt the following may be possible (for I am a real no0b), it would be a neat deal *if* one could via external programming software program their own "beep" and to transmit at a subtle volume so as not to aggrieve those bluetooth headset users alluded to earlier in this thread. I like the old-school, analog, true "beep", like one we might hear from the Mercury capsule days of the early 1960s... and just above barely audible at the end of one's tx... /ponder
  17. Then why not post a link to said discussion (or discussions)? Many new members and GMRS new users every six months, yours truly included. Thanks for your help.
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