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About WQAI363

  • Birthday 12/30/1974

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  • Name
    Adam Michael Huffnagle
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Southestern Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Radio Communications'
    Rail Fanninng

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  1. I don't own plan to make a purchase of any MIDLAND GMRS Radios, because I have too many radios, and need to sell some. Another reason, MIDLAND radios don't have extended receive capabilities, which other manufacturers, such as BTECH and WOUXUN has. Now, don't get me wrong, MIDLAND has always been an excellent manufacture of Two-way Radios, especially with CB Radios. But if I was looking for a radio for GMRS and the ability to monitor other services, MIDLAND wouldn't be my choice, unless came out with wide range UHF / VHF receiver.
  2. The General Mobile Radio Service wasn't intended as a hobby, such as the Amateur Radio Service. Of course, the Citizen Band Radio Service wasn't intended as a hobby, but unlike FRS / GMRS, CB Radio became a social media outlet. Yes, you can find GMRS Radio Clubs, but they're not going to as popular as Amateur Radio Clubs. Then again, you don't see much CB Radio Clubs anymore like back in the 1960s and 1970s. I'm sure you'll find similar forums about the Multi Use Radio Service. Of course, with only 5 channels, I doubt there are any MURS Radios Clubs forming.
  3. Yep, Mr. Steve Shannon is correct, you must be a premium member to access the list clubs. Then again, there are GMRS clubs out there that aren't registered under MyGMRS, so you only access the ones that have registered. Just like the ARRL for Amateur Radio Clubs, there are a lot of Amateur Radio Amateur Radio Clubs that aren't listed with ARRL.
  4. Listen to OffRoaderX! OffRoaderX usually knows the ins and outs of GMRS and if he says that there isn't an official emergency channel, well he should know. Of course, there's the CH-3 Project sponsored by AMRRON. In my opinion, that's the closes thing to having an official Emergency channel is, to fellow along with AMRRON. I'm sure there's folks out there who would disagree with me about that, but everyone has that right. Then again, GMRS isn't like CB or MARINE. Even with Amateur Radio there really isn't any official designated frequencies set aside for Emergency use.
  5. From I see on the spec sheet for the VGC N76, I would assume that it's capable of transmitting on the FRS/GMRS allocation, but I don't own one, and don't plan on owning one anytime soon. Of course, the VGC N76 is marketed to Amateur Radio Operators. I didn't check the FCC's certification number which will give indication of its overall transmitting ability. It's probably not certified for Part 95 B 95 E or 95 J, but that's not going stop some from using in those section. I won't say that you shouldn't for GMRS, because I've used plenty of radios that weren't typed accepted or as it is now, certified. Heck, if I can find a dual band for my CS 800D, I use that for GMRS as well as Amateur Radio DMR and two of the 5 MURS Channels. Of course, the CS 800D is FCC Part 90 radio and could be use in commercial business. I may have stayed of a little, but I hope I have help you out. 73s
  6. Glad that I was able simply things for you! Sometimes I'm not sure about was my advise right on or was I pitching into left field. Anyway, I may stray from the topic, but I try to understand what reading. Take Care..
  7. If I were you, I would take look at your question. You can basically use all 22 simplex channels with the appropriate power level setting for communicating with friends or family. The majority of GMRS radios the no need to go into the settings of the radio. You just pick any channel below channel 23 for those that have been in radios for a while. For those that need clarification channels 23 to 30 are RPT 15 through RPT 22.
  8. This comment probable should be under the FCC Rules & Regulations discussion. I think the best radios for GMRS have to be the Motorola Maxtrac series and HT 1250 or even most Kenwood radios. Of course, I realize the majority of these radios wouldn't be Part 95 A or E accepted, but those radios are excellent for GMRS. I have to say the besides the well-known radio manufacturers, I do really like the BTECH GMRS PRO, which I own two of them.
  9. Back up here, I wasn't comparing Amateur Radio to GMRS at least that wasn't my intension. Yes, I did run down a few facts about having Amateur Radio License, but I wasn't trying compare Amateur Radio to GMRS. You can't compare GMRS to Cell Phones. I guess I have to stop putting in my 2 cents for a spell, because I sure don't like being told that I'm wrong. I maybe hardheaded, but please don't correct like I'm a child.
  10. Right now, I feel like a Democratic Mascot, rambling on about non-sense. It' obvious, GMRS licensees are solely responsible for their family communications under their call-sign. I never said anything different, because that's not accurate. Of course, rules and regulations on Amateur Radio are more strict, due the fact an Amateur Radio License cannot be shared with others. If as an Amateur Radio Operator may allow a Relative or a Friend to talk on the radio, you as the licensee must present during the entire duration. Getting to GMRS t supervise family members while they're using the radio and IDing the proper intervals, but the licensees are solely responsible for how and what is said over the air.
  11. Listen, I'm not trying to start an argument; I'm just stating a fact from what I've read in FCC part 95 E. Maybe I misread it, but I wasn't entirely wrong. Part 95 E Does grant family members of the licensee to use the license. Of course, I will admit that I'm not sure if the licensee must be on the radio at all times when family members are talking with other family members, but I assume that's fine. I do know whoever transmit must ID as normal with or without a unit number.
  12. According to what's being discussed here from my point of view. This Topic about who is and who isn't covered under one's GMRS call-sign seems to be a huge issue. According to the FCC, the Rules and Regulations shouldn't be that difficult. After all, the FCC did use the word "Relative". Of course, left out one or two title of relation, but it's safety assume that all of the family. We all know that Neighbors Co-workers or employees are NOT covered under a GMRS license.
  13. It seems like mostly everyone makes and breaks their New Years Resolution. The funny thing about that is we do it without thinking. I realize over the years, I have post something that some may got my facts wrong or out of a Cracker Jax Box. And then other try to see things from my point and show where I may need to do my Homework. Speaking of Homework, if my favorite Teacher Friend and unofficial relative were alive Today, He would say Adam did homework, yea right and LA Dodgers will move back to Brooklyn and Oakland A's will go back to Philly. Seriously, I'll do better with commenting on particular subjects and do my best to K. I. S. A. T. T. P. Besides, sometimes I look what have posted and I kind of wonder what I was thinking or try to say.
  14. Sounds like someone is asking the same question, only the previous question was asked for Motorcycle Club and its Members. The answer is the same is, NO. In order for CERT or Motorcycle Club to use GMRS, each member of that organization would be required to have their own GMRS license or go to the FCC website and request FRN and then apply for their GMRS license. However, in order to have each member under one license, the organization would have to apply for a Business Band License.
  15. First of all, I can't really give you a straight answer, because the General Mobile Radio Service has through a lot of changes over the 30 plus years. You really shouldn't assume that GMRS Ch-19 will sound like the CB Radio Ch-19, because it doesn't.
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