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About WQAI363

  • Birthday 12/30/1974

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  • Name
    Adam Michael Huffnagle
  • Unit Number
  • Location
    Southestern Pennsylvania
  • Interests
    Radio Communications'
    Rail Fanninng

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  1. Speaking of keeping the FCC happy, I've recently picked up for myself a copy of "Mastering GMRS Radio " So far, it's a pretty good reference book to have on hand. After all, there's lot of information that help one develop a lesson plan for speaking at groups meetings, not necessarily radio clubs, because after all, that's nothing new to the majority Amateur Radio Operators and other Radio Communication enthesis. I'm talking about Scout Troops or other social groups. Well, I don't I will comment or post something before the Holidays are over, but just in case enjoy no matter what holiday you observe. Take Care and Be Well!
  2. If there's any changes in the FCC, it probably won't happen as fast as we would like it to. I can tell you now, that FCC is not about to give their blessings to allow us ability to use part 90 radios for GMRS, even though most of us have disregarded that little stump in the road. I for one would like to see the FCC remove that stump in the road, but that's not likely happen, at least not during Trump's second term. Now. getting back to linking repeaters, sure the majority of us knew that the FCC prohibited, but yet we pressed our luck. Right now, I 'd have to say that the Oakland A's have better of coming back to Philadelphia or the Dodger's move back to Brooklyn before the FCC grants us permission to link repeaters or set up a simplex network via internet.
  3. As an Amateur Radio Licensee, I've heard a lot of terms in reference to individuals that lack commonsense on local Amateur Radio or GMRS repeaters. Last night, there sure was an individual making a complete Democratic Mascot out of himself. I can't tell whether the individual is a minor or an Adult that lacks commonsense. All I know that this individual has caused a lot of repeater trustees and owner to temporarily shut off their repeaters on several occasions, which is annoying to the membership of those organizations or groups that use those repeaters. Even though I'm not a member of LEARN, I key up and asked the individual to vacate the repeater. Of course, that individual is a child, because he tried to mock my speech pattern, which shows me, he must be either a minor or a complete Knucklehead. Then again, I guess I'm guilty of cur chunking the repeater. However, I would never do the non-sense that this Banana has been doing.
  4. I realize that my 2 or 5 cents is pointless now. However, I will my opinion on the use MDC signaling on GMRS Repeaters or simplex. Thinking about MDC signaling on GMRS, Mr. Shannon makes sense. MDC is forbidden on Amateur Radio and it's really unnecessary for GMRS, unless used in volunteer SAR or a CERT TEAM. Of course, I do enjoy the squawk sound of MDC tones, but MDC does have a purpose, just not for casual conversation or idle chat-chat.
  5. Like Mr. Shannon said, No! Anyone not directly related to you must have their own license. One way to have members of a non-profit organization operate under one license is to apply for a Business Band License, but that's more headaches than it worth. It's possible, even if you have to use a community repeater, which mean your group would be assigned tone. These days getting a repeater and radios plus the license and repeater pair would run over $5,000.00 easy. Nah, you might as well ask each member to apply their own GMRS license and take it from there. It cheaper and each member can share their license with their families.
  6.  I sure hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving. Wednesday as I was getting ready to leave for work, I found myself compilating suicide, because I lost my mother 6 years ago this past June and my Girlfriend 4 years ago this past August. I'm angry that I've been for Giant/Martin's for over 10 years now and watch new hires get promotions and I'm still nothing more than a bagger. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy working, but I would like to get off of SSDI and pick up extra hours or pick up an extra job. Giant / Martin's has given me opportunities, but getting promoted to a leadership position, not yet. I'm tired of waiting, but I have no choice but to wait. As far as thinking about suicide, I realize that I do have lots of friends and family members to see me through the hard times.  Having a disability isn't easy and it's down unfair, because the career choices aren't as those who don't have mobility issues. I made a mistake of signing up for SSI at 18 and now I'm approaching 50, I wasted a lot of years complaining about having Cerebral Palsy. Of course, I know a lot in my life that I should be thankful, and I am. However, I wish that I had picked out a realistic career instead daydreaming about

    Careers that I would have like to have had.



  7. Woh, back up here! If thinking that the General Mobile Radio Service like the Citizen Band Radio, I'm afraid you're not really getting the concept of what GMRS is. Don't get me wrong, GMRS is a valuable tool, but unless you're communicating with folks you know. You likely not going to get assistance from random strangers who maybe chit-chatting on a simplex channel or on an open repeater. Not like, Breaker 1-9 for Local Information or a Smokey Report. That's not likely to happen, at least not that hear such traffic. I do hear some traffic, but that usually small businesses or kids playing around. Keep the Rubber Down and Shinny Side Up!
  8. I've become a member on so many forums that I know this post is going to seem redundant to most here on this forum. However, at the risk of aggravating a lot of people... Don't worry about aggravating people on a forum about radios or just about anything. The one simple fact, we all have a right to our own opinions. Some people act like know it all's, but the majority us just enjoy shooting the breeze about certain topic. Heck, we could be talking about the of Manufacture of Two-Way Radio. My personal favorite list: MOTOROLA KENWOOD VERTEX / YAESU ICOM MIDLAND UNIDEN Then there will be some folk who will ask me, why isn't ICOM or KENWOOD #1? True, Motorola doesn't have compatible line of radios that work with the IDAS/NXDN systems, but they do have the corner on the DMR. Kenwood along with Vertex Standard also have made the venture in the DMR world. Welcome to the wonderful world of 2-way Radios! 73 DE ADAM
  9. Sounds like your recommendations would maximize the service and give more space, but the FCC isn't going grant another slice of spectrum to the Part 95 section anytime soon.
  10. The antenna really makes the difference, especially when you're using simplex channels instead of using a repeater. Of course, you still have issues of not hitting a repeater, but that's not as problem as radio to radio.
  11. I could try to suggest something to you, but I don't want to confuse anymore then you already are. Although, if you're using them Blister Pack Radios, that's part of your problem.
  12. That's reasonable, $36.00 a year. Sure, beats paying $300.00 or $400.00 a year. Then again, I wasn't really thinking too clear about the so-called LEARN SYSTEM. I figured why their dues are high, which the use MDC, they require members to use Motorola or Kenwood commercial equipment. Of course, the majority of those members own their radios, But I figure the dues collected goes towards loner radios for new and current members, plus the upkeep of the system. I sure feel like moron, because it took me a long time to figure it out, but now I don't have to ask or wonder. Of course, I rather pay $40.00 a month, this way I can budget and not worry about once a year.
  13. True! I meant in regard to GMRS, it's more of Gentlemans that respect the wishes of the repeater owner or trustee. However, in Emergency and it has to be a true emergency, forget all and just call for assistance. Explain later.
  14. Anyone is allowed to own and set up a repeater; however, when it comes to the repeater pair channel, no one can claim ownership according to FCC rules and regulations. These rules state that no one can prohibit other licensed individuals from using any GMRS channel. It's possible for me to establish a repeater on 462.5750/467.5750 using the same PL as LEARN, and they could not object provided I do not interfere with their operations. Nevertheless, it would be sensible to use a different tone for the input to avoid any potential issues. Now, on the subject of using MDC Signaling on GMRS, especial for non-public safety use. It shouldn't be allowed. Using the ROGER BEEP is fine as long as you can transmit ROGER BEEP on repeaters, but MDC nah. MDC has a place in Public Safety and Commercial Businesses, but for Civilian Use.
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