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Everything posted by WQAI363

  1. Sounds like your recommendations would maximize the service and give more space, but the FCC isn't going grant another slice of spectrum to the Part 95 section anytime soon.
  2. The antenna really makes the difference, especially when you're using simplex channels instead of using a repeater. Of course, you still have issues of not hitting a repeater, but that's not as problem as radio to radio.
  3. I could try to suggest something to you, but I don't want to confuse anymore then you already are. Although, if you're using them Blister Pack Radios, that's part of your problem.
  4. That's reasonable, $36.00 a year. Sure, beats paying $300.00 or $400.00 a year. Then again, I wasn't really thinking too clear about the so-called LEARN SYSTEM. I figured why their dues are high, which the use MDC, they require members to use Motorola or Kenwood commercial equipment. Of course, the majority of those members own their radios, But I figure the dues collected goes towards loner radios for new and current members, plus the upkeep of the system. I sure feel like moron, because it took me a long time to figure it out, but now I don't have to ask or wonder. Of course, I rather pay $40.00 a month, this way I can budget and not worry about once a year.
  5. True! I meant in regard to GMRS, it's more of Gentlemans that respect the wishes of the repeater owner or trustee. However, in Emergency and it has to be a true emergency, forget all and just call for assistance. Explain later.
  6. Anyone is allowed to own and set up a repeater; however, when it comes to the repeater pair channel, no one can claim ownership according to FCC rules and regulations. These rules state that no one can prohibit other licensed individuals from using any GMRS channel. It's possible for me to establish a repeater on 462.5750/467.5750 using the same PL as LEARN, and they could not object provided I do not interfere with their operations. Nevertheless, it would be sensible to use a different tone for the input to avoid any potential issues. Now, on the subject of using MDC Signaling on GMRS, especial for non-public safety use. It shouldn't be allowed. Using the ROGER BEEP is fine as long as you can transmit ROGER BEEP on repeaters, but MDC nah. MDC has a place in Public Safety and Commercial Businesses, but for Civilian Use.
  7. I like that Photo. Of course. it's standard Traffic, but it also looks like a Railroad Traffic wayside signal. AAR Signal Mast Top = Maxum Speed Authorized Middle = Medem Speed 15 to 35 MPH Bottom = Restricted Speed 5 to 10 MPH Then again, I could be mistaking. After all, I am a Rail Fan and not a Railroader.
  8. Don't let someone tell you what obviously the don't have the answer or the authority to advise you. You did the right thing, always double with the FCC when it comes reporting hazardous conditions. That's what folks on CB Radio and Amateur Radio, I can't see why you can't do the same on FRS and GMRS.
  9. I can't disagree with you. Any radio service used in connection with anything illegal can definitely send individuals to the Gray Bar Condo and Hotel if the offense is serious enough.
  10. From Looking at the Topic that I started, seems like my mind is on a coffee break. Everyone remembers the statement the FCC sent out about January 6th incident outside of the capital, in regard to unlawful of two-way radios. I'm not exactly sure of how many of Protesters were Licensed for GMRS and HAM, then again, I can assume that there were more that had the radios but had no license. Apologize for posting something that's already obvious. Please Protest with respect and keep it civil!
  11. Thank You! I'm glad to add my 10 cents when I can. After all, you look at same well I don't want step over or out of line. No one has to force a religion or political beliefs on anyone. We all, have our own paths some maybe similar, but that what's make life interesting, at least from my view. God Bless & Be Well!
  12. Sure, why not? Maybe I did confuse you, but that wasn't my intensions. Just because you and your Family members have gone and taken the FCC exam for your Amateur Radio Licenses. does not mean you have to give up using your GMRS license. I look at each radio service available to the average citizen, whether it's licensed s or license by rule, they are all valuable tools that families need consider, when staying in touch with family members can seem impossible, due to Cell Towers and Landline systems are tied up or down all together. Practice without drilling, meaning use your radios on Family outings, road trips or vacation, this way your family is already doing what has to be done, when the time comes. Well, I'm going stop here, because you can figure out what I left out. Or you can tell me to shut up, I won't take offence, after all I kind of ramble on about everything and nothing at times. Be well! Adam
  13. Taking an FCC exam for an Amateur Radio License is fine and dandy, but like everything, you want to do for right reasons. Of course, when you do take your exam, your family will have no choice but take an exam for their own license, since your license will only cover the individual who's name on that license. I won't discourage any individual from taken an FCC exam for an Amateur Radio License. But on the same note, I can't force someone to take the exam. I will offer a piece of advice, talk with your family friends and co-workers, see if they have any interest in getting into Amateur Radio, because it's kind of fun to have folks you want stay in contact with on the same page when the SHTF. You take Care!
  14. I may not have fully read the entire post on the additional channels or the talk about Digital Voice, but it would be great to see that in the GMRS spectrum. Although I seriously doubt that D-STAR or FUSION would be implemented in GMRS, since those Digital Modes were designed for the Amateur Radio Service. I'm not saying that those modes wouldn't work, but it would be defiantly sound weird, especially when GMRS user who also are Amateur Radio Operators talking other GMRS Licensees that aren't Hams. Which probably put us back to where we were just a few months ago, with FCC requesting repeater owners and trustees to terminate links. I understand that the General Mobile Radio Service was designed as a short-range communications service that could be implemented for commercial or non-commercial use, and not to be used as Amateur Radio.
  15. I'm not going to remined folks what happened down in Washington DC, because most of us are aware of what activities are prohibited and what are permissible I would hate for the FCC step in and start placing more restrictions or simply eliminating services that we use for many different purposes. I don't want to say most troublemakers, are unlicensed, which may be true on Amateur Radio and GMRS, but I wouldn't know how to classify that on CB FRS or MURS, after all those radio services are licensed by rule, not individual licensed. I believe it's our responsibility to remind others that may pick up and press the PTT regardless of radio service to be respectful and use commonsense, so Big Brother doesn't have to do his job.
  16. No Problem, because with other commits I thought confusing you more! Glad that I was to shorten the answer for you.
  17. You're talking about the Charlotte 462.575 / 467.575? Yes sir, that's GMRS repeater pair alright. I didn't really notice what you were referring to, but that's a GMRS Repeater, not Amateur Radio 70cm.
  18. Yep, that's the best answer yet! Almost makes me want to have writer's block. I think I'm not staying on the subject and I wind up stretching out a simple answer.
  19. Another good point! Thanks for not telling me that I'm way off into left field. I tried to stay with the subject / Topic. All I know, you have added onto what I should have added. Thanks again!
  20. That's a good question! I would just scan around the 22-channels, whichever channel comes up more that the channel. I don't the interference that sometime interrupt the scan. but when you actually voices. There are a few retailers and other businesses that GMRS to facilitate their communication needs. For example, Big Blue Swim School uses channel 13 and 14 as an intercom for Swimming Instructors and Lifeguards as well administration staff. Sounds a bit weird, but that the way they operate. If you want to know about whether or Businesses use GMRS Repeaters. I can't give you a straight answer, but I'm sure somewhere a small mom and pop operation might use one or two. So, your scanner up with all 22-channels and scan a way. The reason I said to set your scanner is because you don't want to accidently press your PTT and get into debate on who has dibs on that particular channel. I realize that why the manufactures put sub audible tones in radios. Then again, most commercials establishment don't take the time to understand the General Mobile Radio Service Rules and Regulations. They just know that they have saved money that could have been spent for a commercial license and a assigned frequency or frequencies allocations. Hope this helped you, even though I may have added more, or I could have strayed off course a bit.
  21. I know that you're asking something about an input tone, right? Most new Hams ask this same question. If you're asking about systems that use split tones, that were confusion sets in. If you know where the general location of certain repeater, you drive to vicinity and monitor in put frequency while scan the receive tone, I mean if the tone isn't listed. Heck, try other's advice, don't just take my advice. For you know, I may be rambling on other than the topic which you're trying to obtain knowledge on. Take Care!
  22. I've been noticing lately that I have been feeling depressed with things that have happened to me. I haven't been on the Amateur Radio at all, not since some dear friends and family have passed. As far as reading forums, I often jump the gun quite a bit with posting comments before actually reading and under the entire original post. I can't say that I'm the only one on the majority of topic relating to the FCC's Rules and Regulation. Throughout my life, I've always had trouble with concentrating on various things and sometimes I don't know what I really want to do. I've sought counseling, which has helped a little, but like I say attention span isn't what I would like to be.  

    So, If I sound off topic, please be patient, even though the majority of you are. 

    Thank You!

  23. I
  24. You got a point there! Thank You!
  25. I don't want to sound as if I'm putting myself, but I have to admit, that post of mine made no sense. I know that the FCC made those changes in which I'm referring in 1987. So, I should apologize for sending my commonsense on a Coffee Break. I also realized that what I should have said, the FCC insists that all members of any Club Group or Organization that are not related to one another. apply for their own individual licenses. Technically, the Town Watch that I was a member of, was breaking the rules. After all, there were only two license holders, and I forget how many members, but somehow, we manage to not rock the boat. Again, I apologize for sounding as if my commonsense went on a Coffee Break!
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