As more groups try to keep up with the next guy/group on the linking subject, the ideas of keeping comms brief as possible is going to be VERY important!! I can't stress this enough. It is mind boggling to think of one paid subscription service I know that is methodically dominating the 8 channel space like they do. One guy pushes his xmit button and he is heard from Macon to Chattanooga with topics that have no relevance to anyone else. Yes, before anyone starts soiling themselves, it's a giant party line I know. The part that amazes me that I have never once heard anyone behind these kinds of linked systems say is, "gee, perhaps we need to chill out a little as we are hijacking every available channel". One time a radio pal of mine asked me, "why are you so rarely on the radio?"... I said, "because most of the time I have little to nothing to say". His response was a classic, he said, "well...that never stopped anybody"... Epic statement. The money steers the ship though. No matter how real, honest, and measurable, any of the postings on this thread are? Where does change actually occur? It starts with each and every one of us.