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  1. Yes I understand. I believe you are referring to the nanovna types. I have been aware of these for a while. It's not one piece of the hobby. I think you may have missed that. I don't understand? I was referring to the physical radio being very expensive. Google Icom lol I don't understand the point of a sdr as I want my radio to be unaffected by cell phone and internet but I know that is an extremely cheap option also.
  2. Aha! Indeed that is correct I am in need of a analyzer. There is someone in my neighborhood but is not helpful and has a bad attitude when I have even asked questions. There is a club by me but I am unable to make meetings and then being monthly doesn't help. Married with three oldish kids does not lend free time especially coordinated times and dates. I am not sure where else to to look. I just put my g5rv on the roof and it reads (on my Arduino scanner) the exact same. Its a shame to say but I cannot afford what my wife calls "actual" radios (icon, yaesu,Kenwood) but I fear my goals would certainly be accomplished if i did. The bells and whistles are what allow for these things to not have to be a "brick" wall type of situation. At least from the little experience I know that from using a nice receiver. I may just put my radio stuff in a bag for now and try again when things change. I wanted to find a hobby I can do from home and wouldn't cost much. Then I started building antennas and while what I heard is cool, it's getting more frustrating than fun. Thank you all for your replies!
  3. Hello everyone! I live near Hagerstown MD and am wondering if anyone could come by or let me borrow their tuner. I made my own g5rv and a hamstick dipole and would really really love to tune them. I cannot hear much of anything (Hf) although I know I am doing it correctly. This is for rx only not that, that should matter. I am genuinely considering giving up. We just do not have the money (or vehicle for that matter) and although I very much enjoy this hobby and making antennas it's just not worth it without something to help me troubleshoot. I'm basically just putting wires around my house and then taking them down a hundred times still not working to it's potential. Thank you.
  4. Thank you! My car is very old but I am going to try my best to make it. I haven't been to any hamfests or anything so very excited but don't know if I can make it with my car situation. I really need an antenna tuner! I have three I need tuned and have barely been on the air (gmrs and ham) in 8 months!!!! It's driving me nuts. Thanks for the welcome!
  5. Hey! I would love to go but just "joined" the club a second ago. Just wanted to check with you so I don't just show up unannounced!
  6. I have been having pretty good luck with repeaters recently. I can hit Hanover fairly easily and any time during the day. Yes Cumberland I can hit also again mostly all the time! I personally, have never heard anyone on it though unfortunately. I am trying to figure out how to have a local meet up. I understand the clubs and all that but just wanted to meet at a park or something and just chat radios. I literally have no one to talk to about this stuff and ask questions. I (daily) multiple times a day check Winchester and hear people sometimes but have only actually chatted once! I am very much looking forward to having more conversations on air!
  7. Excellent info thank you sShannon! Yes oddly enough I cannot connect to the Mt Holly repeater for whatever reason. I actually hit Towson today and Frostburg so excited about that. I am unaware about Hanover so will be trying that next! Shout out to Winchester repeater and that group! That is one strong repeater and I can hit that day and night. My base right now is 20 watts. I wanted the 50 but with going to ham soon I know that's a money rabbit hole especially with how much I like my antennas! Just got a new truck and already have 4 on that! The wife LOVES EM haha
  8. I am definitely looking forward to this now! Thanks for sending the link. I do not check arrl as much as I should apparently. Ok gotcha that's what I assumed but still need to explore that area. I thought I saw that local clubs could also test you? Maybe that is outdated or not done anymore I am not sure. I am going to actually buy a practice book and really start learning. Hopefully I'll be fully prepared soon. Good luck! I definitely had no idea! I have a older model uniden 401 pro and never would've thought it could go anywhere near that. I used to listen to cb when I lived in Baltimore and everyone just pushed as many watts as possible, pushing everyone (including others at the same meet!) Around and making it miserable. I would hope it would've gotten better!
  9. Hey thanks for the info! I am still planning to get my ham license ASAP (when I find a club) and will be all over 10m! That sounds awesome!
  10. Excellent I will edit my post right after I'm done. Thanks for the simple info! Ahhh 81. Love it or hate it depending on traffic haha do you know what IDs you heard just so I can try to narrow it down? Even areas help and I can look them up. Greenville is one I have a long with Warrenton and a couple others. Ill keep listening! 11 meters I hear some people love and some people hate. Personally I've been experimenting with 10 meters as I've heard sometimes the stars aline and you can go 100s of miles but I'm sure that's true with a lot of ham bands. May I ask where/who you are getting the license? I cannot connect with anyone including the Antietam radio association but am trying desperately to connect with some hams! I'm with you and always want to learn. I will host a meetup or anything else just to connect with some more like minded radio people!!!!
  11. Hey everyone! So to answer Sshannon first yes I have removed Rx tones and still hear nothing. I am aware of CW (Morse code) from ham repeaters but only for others as I don't have a license and will never attempt to key it. I got lmr 600 and it is thick! I had kmr 600 but realized it was not name brand and didn't trust it. It would kink and make a cracking noise! But that definitely could've been my fault! By two braces basically I bought an "antenna mount kit" for a TV antenna and then used a pole and extended the pole the antenna was on and then connected 4 braces throughout so that when we get high winds (two days ago was 65) it may flex a bit but tension is pulled down instead of whipping the antenna around. Hopefully that makes sense! Moving onto WRUU653. I am so sorry and should've known! That is my fault and if I can edit it I will figure that out and leave those out. I am using a radioddity (anytone) mobile radio in my home connected to a 120v to 12v inverter. I think that is the right word! Lol it is a radioddity db20-g with a tram 1447b antenna on my roof as high as I could go! I do have multiple baofeng uv5r of course lol but I do put them far away when txing on my base because I know they desensitize A LOT!!! Honestly at this point it is frustrating because I do hear many people on the Warrenton repeater with my ctcss tone on but when I talk I can't be heard (as far as no one tells me they copy) but could that be because I'm out of range? The only other repeaters in my area no one talks on so I don't know how to test my radio if no one else is listening! Not sure if I can post my number here or that's a no no but I'm open to that also. I just don't get it!!! I hear people when my ctcss tone is on tx and Rx but cannot make a contact!!! Thank you all for continuing to help. I am going to keep checking back here more frequently!
  12. O man you all are great! Yeah I think I'm the plumper version also haha I did just get accepted to Chambersburg 600 and for the the life of me cannot hit it. I did ask some questions to the owner but everything is right!!! 462.600 Rx with 5mhz offset to 467.600 tx. Pl codes (ctcss right?) Edited for no ctcss tones. Everything is right in my radio but I hear nothing!!!! Tried to get the wife to go up closer but no dice! Lol does anyone have any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? I'll be on today if anyone can help!!!! Also I am going to look up those repeater that some have mentioned. I finally got my tram 1447b up in the air. It's about 25 feet off the ground and I used two mounts as a wind brace. I also didn't skimp and broke down and bought 35 foot LMR cable. Geez it is thick wire! Do you hear CW when you hit a GMRS repeater like in ham? Also yes I would love all the ham info everyone has. I genuinely believe I could pass the test and then I'm going to 10m and all that to try!!!! Take me to the dark side!!!! Hahahaha
  13. Hello everyone! I am a ham listener but licensed gmrs operator. I have been listening to 2m/70cm for a year or two now but only just got my gmrs license. The only repeater (I know of) is in pa but is just out of reach from me! So I am just wondering if anyone else is in my area. My wife and young kids do not care nor understand my infatuation with this hobby. So trying to meet like minded people so I stop driving them insane with all my random knowledge. Look forward to FINALLY talking to someone!!! 73 WRWQ761
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