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  1. Dont give up sign this. If everyone complains we will get action. Forget about the FCC those are just rules not laws. The FCC is not in charge. Congress writes the laws. We can change this. This is how Satellite C band owners got the laws changes that allowed dish and direct tv to exist before the internet. There is a process to doing this and its been done many times. It works. When congress starts getting all these letters from people and not lobbyist they listen, Someone's going to ask the FCC WTF did they do. This will cause several actions 1 there was no comments opened before the action that's a violation. They will withdraw the rule and delay it. And congress may have hearings if we keep pushing. If so someone will have to go talk for GMRS for each state. If you want to keep linking this is what you need to do. call congress and the senate. or send this letter or send emails. https://www.petition2congress.com/ctas/gmrs-repeater-linking-freedom https://www.elitedaily.com/p/whats-the-best-way-to-contact-your-congressperson-these-are-the-tips-you-need-to-know-8503943 https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1 https://www.congress.gov/contact-us
  2. Does anyone have the pinouts to connect to the PI? Also there was talk somewhere else that they had to set the unit to simplex mode. That simplex mode was mislabeled in the software , it actually disables the internal controller and still works as a repeater. And that if it was in duplex the COS would not stay on while repeating making it not transmit into the net. Is this true, Has anyone tried this. or was this just a defective unit. I don't have one yet but am looking for more info before I buy one.
  3. So has anyone traced out the connections for a PI to place it on the network?? If so where is COS , PPT, TX and RX audio.
  4. Just declare GMRS is the novice class for amateur radio and allow access to 70 Centimeter band Problem solved.....
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