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  1. I'll be bouncing around Concord this week. Any repeaters worth hitting?
  2. Thanks! I overlooked that one.
  3. Last week, listening to wildfire evac info.
  4. Any trunk/hatchback/hood antenna mounts w/3-axis adjustment?
  5. Jhonny used the wrong pronoun.
  6. I'll admit, I've had great experiences with EPA. I'm shocked at how helpful and responsive my contacts have been for the last 4 years. Believe it or not, they became a lot more efficient when COVID forced them to work remotely. Their updated protocols, at least for my interactions/dealings, went from 10 days to 2 to 3 hour turn-around time for reviews and approvals.
  7. I tell people that's the actual test for the license.
  8. Upgrade to a Midland Bullbar and she'll love you forever, especially if it's the Canyon Edge version.
  9. I’ll add… A “check box” on each repeater profile that indicates the “user" has entered its setting into a radio profile, followed by a user version of the map that can simultaneously display all the cover circles for that radio profile.
  10. The OEM software behaves the same.
  11. Depends on the intended use. If the bar is low enough, anything will suffice. What's the intended use?
  12. Take down, 2 points.
  13. Check out WATCH DUTY. It's our go to phone app during fire season.
  14. Forgot to mention, you'll need to reach out to North Valley GMRS on Facebook for Signal Peak. There's also Donner - not a lot of traffic.
  15. Not a lot of traffic on SIERRA 7000. Try Mountain Top1, Banner 700 and Oregon Pk. Mountain Top1 seems to cover the foothills in its proximity to well beyond the valley below; I once returned a radio check for someone near Martinez.
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