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    Hampton, Virginia

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  1. Does anyone know what happened to the Tabb repeater?
  2. The Tabb repeater is fairly "active" and covers a pretty good area. I live in Buckroe and talk to guys all over the peninsula and the Glouchester area. There is an FB group called "Southeast Virginia GMRS" as well (I don't have FB, but I'm sure it exists lol) run by a user in Chesapeake who also runs a repeater there. He also has a Zello channel hooked to his repeater but so far I'm the only one there haha. -Eric
  3. I don't have Facebook I'll see if I can catch some of you on the air sometime though! -Eric/WRYR936
  4. I thought so too, but it was just transmitting the raw channel. I set the offset in the menus and it worked. I suspect that its user error, I'll make sure I scold myself appropriately. Failure is after all the best teacher
  5. Thanks for the welcome! Yes, that is exactly what I did. I guess I actually DID hit the repeater as I did some further testing. We have very little interest in my local area (Southeast Virginia), I'm considering setting up a repeater myself after watching Randy's homebrew video setup. I have a few friends who I'm trying to infect...erm...introduce to GMRS and how we can use it. Thanks again, and I'll keep learnding! -Eric
  6. Hello all... I have a boo fwang...erm Baofeng GMRS-9R that is right now my only GMRS "approved" radio and I'm just verifying that I did things correctly with setting up repeater channels. It is pre-programmed, of course but the repeater channels are not offset, so I manually entered the +5 offset in the radio's menu as there is a menu option for it for the channel (I don't have a cable to use CHIRP...yet). I can't really test it on the repeater I'm trying to hit as it is just out of range. But I keyed (yes I'm licensed) on the repeater channel while monitoring the "real" channel on my scanner and got a click...so I "assume" it worked. Does this sound right? Am I making sense? Has this been covered? (I searched the forums first lol) Thanks -Eric
  7. Sorry to grave dig an old post, but if anyone is still here... I live on the bay in Buckroe, so VERY flat. I hear people traveling on the tunnel occasionally, and a few that seem to use it for work, other than that...nothing. I'll just keep my radio for emergencies. The highest point here is the beach pavillion (maybe 20ft above sea level lol). I can sometimes hear Norfolk chatter. I'd put up a repeater but not seeing the point if there's no place to put it up high. I'd still be interested in a club, but interest around here is quite low.
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