It is now working. I plugged the usb cable in while the radio was turned off, and started working on com port 4 after I turned the radio back on. Doesn’t make any sense, but at least it’s working!
Went to program a KG 905G, and it will not connect with radio. The com numbers are greyed out and can’t pick one to use. And Buy Two Way radios is closed on Saturdays!! ( go figure) my Retevis software works fine and I’m running windows 10. Anyone know of a fix?
I recently got a RA86 and it’s worked great so far. The programming software was easy to use. I’m using a ghost antenna with it. The rinky dink antenna that came with it, left a lot to be desired!
They’re popular out west in Colorado, Wyoming & Montana. Wyoming Search and rescue have a program called Be 307 aware, and Colorado has the same procedure in place minus the CTCSS tone on FRS CH 3.