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Everything posted by WRZD727

  1. It is now working. I plugged the usb cable in while the radio was turned off, and started working on com port 4 after I turned the radio back on. Doesn’t make any sense, but at least it’s working!
  2. Went to program a KG 905G, and it will not connect with radio. The com numbers are greyed out and can’t pick one to use. And Buy Two Way radios is closed on Saturdays!! ( go figure) my Retevis software works fine and I’m running windows 10. Anyone know of a fix?
  3. Another vote for Bells CB.
  4. I’m using a Wouxun KG 905G. It’s basic HT with no bells & whistles, but suits my needs and works great. If I was to buy another one, I’d get the 935G.
  5. I have the GXT 1050’s, and use em for hunting and fishing trips and they work great! I give em out to use when on road trips.
  6. I got a lot of static with the antenna that came with it.
  7. Retevis RA86. Works great for a plug and play radio.
  8. I recently got a RA86 and it’s worked great so far. The programming software was easy to use. I’m using a ghost antenna with it. The rinky dink antenna that came with it, left a lot to be desired!
  9. Appreciate the reply! Gonna order one this afternoon.
  10. Can anyone tell me if the Retevis RA86 can do split tones repeaters? Thinkin about putting one in my work truck.
  11. I would contact Midland and see if there's something they could do. I hve the MXT 275, And it's worked well so far.
  12. I use mine for hunting and fishing trips, traveling and emergency comms in the Florida Keys during hurricane season.
  13. Can anyone tell me how many watts the T71vp3 puts out oh the high setting? I’ve seen it listed anywhere from .5 - 2 watts.
  14. Ordered a pair of Midland Xtalkers for a friend who lives in the Florida Keys. They’ll be handy to have around during Hurricane season.
  15. I’ve had my President Thomas for year, and works great for what I need it for. You’ll like FM. We use 24 FM quite a bit on hunting & fishing trips.
  16. Another vote for ch 19.
  17. You are correct. The same goes for Wyoming's Be 307 aware.
  18. I do for hunting & fishing trips. I put the alert on, if they're calling for severe weather where I live.
  19. I'm running a Midland MXT 275 with a 6 db antenna. works great for what i need it for.
  20. They’re popular out west in Colorado, Wyoming & Montana. Wyoming Search and rescue have a program called Be 307 aware, and Colorado has the same procedure in place minus the CTCSS tone on FRS CH 3.
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